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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Is Viola Pregnant?

The girl lowered her head sadly, looking like she did not know how to explain it.

“Forget it. Let’s go back,” Ormand said in a deep voice.

The girl was scolded, and her little boyfriend was unhappy. “Come out. Are all rich people like you so arrogant? We have said that we didn’t mean to hurt you. Why are you so mean?”

At the end of his speech, when Bentley and Russell weren’t paying attention to him, the boy quickly threw the snowball in his hand at Ormand.

The snowball fell apart in front of Ormand’s feet. His black

leather shoes were stained with snow.

Ormand didn’t respond. He was supported by Russell and

looked straight ahead. Ormand didn’t look at the side from beginning to end.

Russell, however, was really annoyed. After letting Bentley

support Ormand, he let the security guards at the entrance of

the laboratory come out to catch the couple.

The couple wanted to run. But soon, they were caught by the security guards.

Russell looked at them coldly and ordered, “Send them to the police station. Tell the police that they maliciously and deliberately assaulted people!”

“Yes, Mr. Russell.”

Russell turned around and left after giving the order. He quickly got into Ormand’s car. They drove quickly back to Viorin on a snowy night.

However, when the young couple had just been sent to the

police station, they were taken away by the people of the National Bureau of Investigation.

The man who had just smashed a snowball in front of Ormand

was standing in Ronian’s office respectfully.

“Mr. Felton, Mr. Hobson seemed to be blind.”

“Are you sure?” Ronian instantly put down his long legs from

the desk and sat up in a serious manner.

“Yes. Mr. Hobson needed someone to help him walk the whole

time. He was wearing sunglasses. But when I threw the

snowball, he should look down. Normal people would do that. But Mr. Hobson didn’t respond at all.”

Ronian rested his hand on the table and rested his chin on his

fist. He was pleasantly surprised. “How could a blind guy continue to lead the National Bureau of Investigation? It is time for him to retire.”

Chapter 339 Is Viola Pregnant?

Get Bong!

The more Ronian thought about it, the more amused he felt.

“The good news must be shared. Tell Gregory about it. As for

what he wants to do, it is none of my business.”

Bentley and Russell were about to return to their rooms to rest

after returning to Viorin. But Ormand called them into his


Ormand said with a serious face, “The two people at the

entrance of the laboratory tonight were either arranged by

Gregory or Ronian. The problem with my eyes is probably



Bentley and Russell did not refute it. They were all smart people, so they could easily know the truth when they came

back and thought about it.

Ormand continued, “No matter who it is, once they know this

news, they will be eager to cause trouble for me. I am afraid that tomorrow, the operation will not go well.”

Bentley and Russell had grim expressions. After looking at each other, they simultaneously looked up at Ormand.

Russell asked, “Since you said so, you already have a plan, don’t you?”

Ormand lowered his eyes, curling his thin lips into a slight smile.


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