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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346 I Want Both of them

Viola turned her face away and ignored him. A drop of tears fell from the corner of her eyes and silently flowed into her hair.

She could never or would never give what Jerry wanted!

She would only love Ormand for the rest of her life!

Jerry sat on the side in defeat. He cried and laughed, but the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Viola lying on the sofa behind him. There was a dark red swollen mark on her neck, which was very obvious.

It was pinched by him just now.

Jerry gradually came to his senses.

“Sorry, Viola. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He reached out and wanted to touch the red mark on her neck.

Viola dodged and turned her back to him.

Jerry’s fingers froze. In the next second, his expression turned cold again. He forcefully pulled back her shoulder and let her look at him.

He regained his usual cold and sinister aura.

“Viola, I’ll give you another choice. Do you want the life of the child in your belly or Ormand?”

“Jerry, why do you always force me to make a choice?” Viola gritted her teeth and glared at him. Chapter 346 I Want Both of them

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Because it’s very interesting, isn’t it? Viola, if you choose Ormand, you can obediently abort this child tomorrow. We will continue our wedding according to the original plan. And I’ll handle the matter of making those nobles shut up!

“If you choose this child, I can let you go and cancel the wedding. But Ormand must die!”

He smirked. He just wanted to see how important Ormand meant to her.

Viola glared at him hatefully, but she also noticed that Todd was secretly climbing in the window not far behind Jerry.

“Jerry, I want both of them!” she said with a cold trace in her eyes.

The moment she finished her words, there was a muffled thud in the room.

Todd grabbed a golf club in the corner and hit Jerry on the back of his head.

Jerry fainted on the spot and fell to the ground.

Noticing the wound on Viola’s neck, Todd immediately threw the golf club and ran over to check on her condition.

“Sorry, I came late!”

Viola tried to comfort him with a smile, “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

Todd let out a sigh of relief and glanced at Jerry, who was lying on the floor. “Now that Jerry knows you are pregnant, what are you going to do next?”

Viola was also looking at Jerry, who was unconscious and deep in thought

“Miguel told me that the Super Serum is in Jerry’s hands. Where do you think he will hide it?” –

Todd lowered his head and pondered.

Viola was also pondering. “He has been living in Alez Palace. Compared with other places, the palace must be the safest place. Maybe he hid the medicine in his palace. Maybe tonight is a good opportunity! I will steal the medicine!”


“But the court banquet is being held tonight. There are too many people!” Todd was worried.

“It is more convenient for us because there are many people. Normally, the palace is heavily guarded. We can’t approach.”


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