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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 347

Chapter 347 Try to Move Him

As Ormand spoke, he threw back the covers to get out of bed.

Russell stopped him. “Don’t mess around. If you leave at this critical moment, no one can deal with Ronian and Gregory the day after tomorrow?”

Ormand was helped to sit back.

Russell thought about it and chose to conceal the truth. “Viola is fine. Bobby has found her, and Jerry has not mistreated her. She is safe now.”


“Of course, how could I lie to you?”

Russell’s expression was unnatural. Fortunately, Ormand could not see him.

Ormand continued to ask, “Jerry has always wanted to marry Viola. How could he not do anything?”


Russell felt awkward because he did not know how to answer Ormand’s question. At that moment, Bentley knocked at the door and came in.

Russell stood up and greeted him, “Bentley, how is it?”

“All the indexes are normal. The bandage could be removed.” As Bentley spoke, he walked to the window and withdrew the curtains.

Russell walked back to the bed. Ormand raised his hand to refuse. “I’ll do it myself.”

Ormand stretched his hands to the back of his head and removed the bandage in circles.

Bentley stood at the end of the bed and reminded, “Slow down when it comes to the last two circles. Don’t open your eyes too fast and adapt to the light gradually.”

Ormand did as he was told. After removing the bandage, Ormand opened his eyes slowly, his eyelashes fluttering.

Ormand looked down at his hands. His eyes seemed to be shrouded in fog, and the edges of his hands could be vaguely seen. Ormand’s vision had somewhat improved because he could only see darkness in the past few days.

Russell leaned closer and waved his hand in front of Ormand. “Can you see it?”

“I can’t see clearly, but I can tell the direction,” Ormand answered honestly.

“Look at me. Can you see my face? Can you see my expression?” Russell bent down and got close to Ormand.

Ormand stared for a while and shook his head.

Russell sighed and turned to look at Bentley.

“Bentley, what should we do? The day after tomorrow, he will hold a meeting to explain to Ronian and Gregory, but he can’t see clearly.

Those guys are smart enough to find out.”

“Don’t be anxious. We have one more day.” Bentley was expressionless as he wrote Ormand’s conditions on the sheet.

Then, Bentley took out the prescription with some new medicines and casually said to Russell, “The nurse will deliver the medicines later. Remember to watch him take them.”

Russell nodded.

Bentley left the prescription and turned to go out.

Ormand stopped him. “Bentley, there’s one more thing that needs your help.”

In Portugal.

There were many people in the banquet hall.

Todd climbed over the wall of Jerry’s room and took away an expensive suit.

When he walked along the palace corridor again, he had removed the ugly face and turned back to his elegant appearance.

Seeing Todd, the passing servants bowed and made way for him.

Todd followed the route he took last time and found Alez Palace.

Compared with the bustle in the main banquet hall, Alez Palace was quiet. No one passed by, and the lights were dim.

When Todd was observing Alez Palace, two guards appeared.

“Who is it?”


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