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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 348

Chapter 348 I Don’t Need to Be Reasonable

Viola was drinking juice. Hearing this, she suddenly paused.

“You’re thinking too much. Why would I stall to buy time? What can I get from it?” she asked with a smile.

Jerry did not believe her at all.

Jerry suddenly remembered the words that Viola had said when they were arguing before he lost consciousness. She said, “You said you won’t lie to me again when we arrive in Portugal. You will be honest with me. Did you keep your promise?”

At that time, he was angry. But now that he thought about her words, it seemed that there were other meanings for her words.

Thinking of this, Jerry narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Do you already know that I’ve gotten the serum?”

Viola raised her eyebrows and was slightly surprised. “Why is serum in your hands? Didn’t you say that it was stored in the imperial warehouse?”

Jerry stared at her, and the sense of unease grew stronger.

He immediately took his phone and contacted the guards he had arranged outside Alez Palace. No one answered.

It meant that something bad had happened!

He called Jamie again, saying, “Go back to Alez Palace immediately and check if anyone broke in!”

After hanging up the phone, Jerry put on his clothes and got up to leave. Viola pulled his sleeve and said, “Where are you going? I haven’t finished my talk with you!”

“Let’s talk about the child later!” Jerry pushed her hand away.

Then he turned around and left.

Viola frowned. Jerry’s vigilance was too strong. She touched the ring on her hand and immediately followed him.

At that time, Todd was searching the entire Alez Palace.

The entire Alez Palace had been searched, and there was no trace of the serum.

If Jerry obtained the serum, the Palace would be the safest place to hide it. Where else could he hide?

Although the serum was small, it usually needed to be stored in freeze.

If it had been kept in the freezer for a long time, the low temperature would slowly affect its effect. And it would be impossible to store it for half a month.

Then it could only be…

Todd turned his gaze back to the small kitchen of Alez Palace and carefully searched through it again.

Finally, at the bottom of the refrigerator, he found a silver-gray freezer.

He opened the box and checked. It was the serum, four inches long and as thick as a thumb.

It was indeed Super Serum!

Todd was so surprised. He quickly took off his suit and wrapped the entire freezer. After restoring the situation in the room, he climbed out of the window.

But things were not that simple.

Just as he jumped out of the window, a gun was pressed against his back.

Then, there was the crisp sound of bullets being loaded.

There were also five guards on the side, all holding electric guns and aiming at Todd.

The gun that was pressed against his back slowly moved upwards and aimed at Todd’s head.

Jamie said, “Put down the thing in your hand. And then raise your hand and turn around!”

Todd did not move at all. He tightened his grip on the freezer in his hand. Instead of putting it down, he held it in his arms, looking like he would not let go.

Jamie sneered, “Even if you are lucky enough to escape from us, you will not be able to leave this palace tonight after the alarm is pulled. The things in your hands will not be taken away. If you do not want to be shot in the head, put it down and turn around!”

Chapter 348 Don’t Neerlin Re Reasonable

Get Bonus

Todd didn’t release the thing in his arms. He slowly turned around.

Jerry had just rushed over. Relying on the dim street lights, he could clearly see Todd’s face. Jerry was a bit surprised.


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