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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359 He Is My Younger Brother

Jerry died. He passed away with a smile.

He did not seem to regret anything in his life.

Viola lost her strength as she closed her eyes. She could not bear to see him fall to the ground. It was miserable.

Viola recalled the happy childhood that she spent along with Jerry and felt extremely upset.

Viola shot the man who had loved her for ten years to death by herself.

“Please, take me away. I don’t want to come to Portugal again.” Viola fell into Ormand’s hug weakly and sobbed.

Ormand kissed her forehead. He was extremely gentle and comforted her, “It’s all over. He helped you and you helped him, too. It is the best ending he wants.”

How could he not know that Jerry had done it on purpose?

Jerry was stubborn. He was born to be prouder of himself than anyone else. If he lost Viola, he would feel the same as losing everything. So he was never reluctant to kill himself.

It was already the most tolerant to allow Jerry to be killed by Viola as he wished.

As for Cristina, they had to wait and see….

Ormand held the sad Viola tightly in his arms and ordered someone to pack up Jerry’s body and send it back to the United States, returning it to the Felton family.

After that, he carried Viola by her waist and left without hesitation.

On the private plane back home.

Todd had already woken up, and Tanya, the girl he brought back with him, helped him deal with his


Super virus serum was also placed in the freezer. They planned to bring it back to the United States and hand it over to the laboratory to check the data of the serum.

Viola had already taken off her pure white wedding dress and dressed up in a warm fox fur coat. She was also wearing the flat shoes that Jerry had helped her put on.

She was lazy and lost in her thoughts. She stared at the white clouds outside the plane.

Ormand hugged her and knew that she had not recovered from what happened in the church. He kept silent.

Todd and Tanya were sitting in the first-class cabin of the private plane with them.

Compared to the quiet Ormand and Viola, Todd and Tanya seemed to be more energetic.

“Todd, soldiers in the whole team just now regarded you as their leader. You are so awesome!”

In front of Ormand and Viola, Todd got blushed.

“The most powerful person here is Ms. Zumthor, followed by Mr. Hobson. I’m nothing.”


Tanya turned to look at Viola. She smiled sweetly and asked her, “By the way, Todd, you haven’t told me your full name. What is it?”

Todd was slightly shocked.

People including Nolan and Taven might have another true name when they were off work.

But Todd was different. He had no other name.

When Todd was ten, he was picked up by Ormand from the border.

Ormand gave him the name “Todd”. So he was no one else than “Todd”.

“My name…”

“He is a member of the Hobson family,” Ormand stopped Todd before Todd could finish his


“Mr. Hobson?” Todd suddenly turned around and looked at Ormand doubtfully.

Ormand put on a faint smile and said calmly, “I plan to go back to the Hobson family this time and add you to our family in public. You would become my father’s adopted son. In the future, you not only be my subordinate, but also my younger brother, Todd Hobson.”


Todd’s eyes were red and full of tears. Not only was he shocked, but he was also extremely moved.

“Mr. Hobson, you’re so good to me…”


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