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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 360

Chapter 360 The Relationship Between Sherlyn and Jerry


Sherlyn kept silent with no expression.

The assistant gave a dirty look at Rex and sneered, “Mr. Johnson, you are too confident and have a good idea. Did you come because Ms. Ayre has won the prize and thus you can benefit a lot?”

Rex ignored her and continued to look at Sherlyn. “Sherlyn, I know I was wrong. Please give me another chance! Without you, I would rather die. Come back to me, okay?”

Sherlyn laughed. When Rex cheated on her before, she had already seen who he truly was.

Now, Sherlyn would not believe anything he said. She only felt that it was ironic.

She remembered Viola’s ruthlessness towards such kind of people and slowly took out an exquisite small knife from the drawer. It was a souvenir that she had kept after filming her last drama.

Rex saw her playing with it in her hand and said worriedly, “Watch out, don’t get hurt. Or I would feel heartbroken.”

Sherlyn felt disgusting and handed the knife over to him.

Sherlyn changed from her usual appearance. She was soft and innocent before. But now she said calmly, “Since you said that you would rather die without me, why not kill yourself with this knife now? Then I will believe that you indeed love me.”

Rex got a pale face and looked at her in shock.

Why was it not easy to fool Sherlyn this time?

He took the knife in her hand but was afraid that the knife would cut him a little.

“Sherlyn, if I died, I would never be able to be with you. Are you willing to see me dead?”

“But if you don’t kill yourself, how can you prove that you indeed love me and regret what you did?”

Rex forced himself to press the blade on his wrist, not daring to make a move for a long time.

Sherlyn reminded him, “You have to cut the artery and make yourself bleed. Only then can I believe


Rex felt pain when he just thought about it. He could not help shivering and the knife fell to the ground.

He grabbed Sherlyn’s dress and berred her, “Sherlyn. never mind, okay? Let us be the same as before. No! I will treat you better than before! Look at me again!”

Sherlyn raised her high heels and gave him a hard kick.

“Get away! I won’t believe what you said! In the future, you’d better avoid me when you see me. If you dare to shamelessly pester me again, I will fight against you to the end! I will make you bankrupt! You would not be able to afford a simple life at that moment!”

Rex was shocked to death when he heard it. He stared blankly at Sherlyn who was now tough and


Was slie still the Sherlyn he liad known before?

“Sherlyn, …”

“Get away!”

“If you continue to pester me, I will report it as sexual harassment!” Sherlyn did not want to listen to his nonsense.

Her manager and her assistant immediately put on fierce expressions and chased Rex away.

Sherlyn chased Rex away and regained her good mood. She took out her phone to take a photo of the trophy and sent it to Russell.

Sherlyn: “Thank you for your guidance, Mr. McGraw. It is the answer for this semester. Are you satisfied with it?”

Russell replied in less than a minute.

Russell: “Hope you will make me more satisfied tonight.”

Sherlyn instantly blushed.

Russell was getting more and more…

Sherlyn put down her phone and continued to do the inake-up work because Russell would secretly pick her up later. She was not to take the bus back, so her manager and her assistant left.

The entire lounge was soon quiet.

Sherlyn heard someone trying to open the door from outside. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw a pair of men’s leather shoes standing not far from her, thinking that Rex had come again

Her tone was disgusting and impatient, “Rex, couldn’t you understand what I said?”

The man standing at the door did not reply and did not move.


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