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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 361

Chapter 361 Russell Almost Offends His Brother-in-Law

Roman's gaze was calm as he continued to speak.

"My father demanded Jerry my mother's son. My mother refused. She could not accept that my father not only cheated on her but brought the kid of his mistress and wanted the boy to be included in the family tree. In a fit of anger, she ran away from home alone when she was pregnant for eight months.

"She gave birth to you outside her home. At that time, she was anxious during her pregnancy and had a mental problem. She lost you, and she blamed herself for many years..."

Sherlyn listened to him in shock. Her world seemed to have been turned upside down. "Even if I look like your mother, the Washington Welfare Institute has no files about my birth and my parents. Why do you think I am from your family?"

"Indeed, when my mother lost you, you were too young. Moreover, she went to Philadelphia back then. I don't know what happened, but you were taken in by Washington Welfare Institute. This is why after so many years, I sent many people to Philadelphia but they were unable to find you."

Ronian walked to a small table and handed a document to Sherlyn.

"I wasn't sure at first, so I got someone to go to your crew and find a way to get your hair for a DNA test with my mother."

Sherlyn took the report from Ronian.

When she saw the words "mother and daughter" written on the bottom right corner of the document, her eyes turned red and tears dripped onto the document.

Ronian looked at her gently and said, "The report must be right. You are the daughter of the Felton family and my sister, Sherlyn."

He held her shoulders with both hands and said, "How about coming back to us tomorrow? I will ask someone to tidy up the room my mother used to stay in. You can talk to her. I will make up everything I owe you all these years."

"I need some time to digest it."

She had been an orphan for over twenty years, but now, Ronian suddenly told her that she was the daughter of the Felton family! Not only did she have parents, but she also had a bunch of siblings.

This news was too shocking!

She was at a loss for what to do and could not accept it.

"1 understand that you can't accept it. Take your time. You have to change the name first, and if you don't want to come back, 1 can get you a place to stay. However, you can't stay at Russell's place anymore."

At the end of the conversation, Sherlyn raised her head, "Why? Russell and I are lovers. Isn't it normal for lovers to live together?"

Ronian patiently explained to her, "It's acceptable to an ordinary family, but our family is the third greatest family in Salt Lake City. After I reveal your identity, we have to follow our family rules."

Sherlyn didn't understand this, but with Viola and Ormand as examples, she could feel something. "Do we have to wait until the engagement is made public?"

"Yes. If Russell likes you, he will ask his father to arrange the marriage."


Sherlyn understood, but as long as she could be with Russell, the rules wouldn't matter.

Thinking of the change in name, Sherlyn continued, "I'm used to the name Sherlyn. Can I keep it? At most, I will change my surname. My name will be Sherlyn Felton."

"As you wish."

Ronian rubbed her head and looked at her face seriously.

Sherlyn looked like his mother the most among his siblings.

Sherlyn was still not used to being caressed by another man other than Russell, but thinking that Ronian was her brother, she suppressed her resistance.

She was holding the picture of her mother in her hand with happiness in her eyes.

"Does Mom live in this house? Can I go see her now? I have never experienced the feeling of having a mother in my life. I really want to hug her."

Ronian's hand froze. He looked away and hid the stiltedness in his eyes.

Before Ronian replied, the bodyguard knocked on the door of the hall.

"Mr. Felton, Russell is coining! His face is so gloomy and he looks murderous. That's so scary! His people are fighting with ours!"


Sherlyn cried out in alarm, she turned around and ran out. The bodyguards led the way and Ronian followed them.

The entrance of the Felton's place was in chaos.

Russell had injured a few of the bodyguards of the Felton family in his anger.

"Stop it! Stop fighting!"

Russell heard Sherlyn's voice and called for his bodyguards to stop.

Sherlyn ran to his side, checking if he was injured. Russell was doing the same to Sherlyn.

Russell was furious when he saw that her eyes were red as if she had suffered grievances. He saw Ronian walking over from afar and immediately went up to hit him.

"Ronian! How dare you kidnap my woman? Don't think that I won't hurt you just because you are the deputy director of the National Bureau of Investigation! what have you done to Sherlyn?"

Ronian raised his eyebrows and smiled. He put his hands in his pockets and didn't explain.

"He didn't do anything to me! He didn't bully me!" Sherlyn hugged Russell, who was about to lose control.

"He is my... brother!"

Russell almost punched Roman in the face, when Sherlyn said the last word, he stopped in time.

Roman glanced at Russell's fist, which was close to him, and smiled. He said in a teasing tone, "Russell, you almost offend your brother-in-law!"



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