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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 They Will Be Lucky

“What are you thinking, honey?”

Viola waved her hand before Ormand’s eyes and pursed her lips into a smile. “It’s your first time being a father, and you have no experience, so you’re too nervous?”

“Yes, I am too happy,” Ormand said as he dispelled his thoughts.

“Let’s go home,” Ormand said as he gently tucked VioWs hair behind her ears, squatted down to help her put on her shoes, and left with Viola in his arms.

Along the way, the nurses all stuck their heads out to look. When they saw how sweet the two were, their faces were full of envy. Viola embarrassedly buried her face into Ormand’s neck.

“Ormand, you don’t have to do so much for me. It’s not like I can’t walk.”

Ormand said calmly with a faint smile, “Even the doctor said we should be very careful with the twins. And your morning sickness will get more severe in the future. It will be so hard on you. I want to help.”

Viola was happy. And she let Ormand carry her out of the quiet staff-only passageway all the way into the car.

After returning to Viorin, Viola sat on the bed, looking at the test results, amazed by the way life was produced.

Ormand sat cross-legged beside Viola with a book on his legs. He

seemed absorbed in reading, but he wasn’t blinking, as if he was lost in thought.

Viola rested her head on his thigh and asked in a tender voice, “0rmand, since it’s twins, do you want two boys, two girls, or one boy and one girl?”

Ormand didn’t reply. He was still staring at the page in a daze.


Viola waved her hand before Ormand’s eyes again and finally pulled him out of his thoughts.

“What’s wrong with you today? You’ve been very distracted.”

“Viola… ”

Ormand grabbed her hand and locked eyes with her. Ormand thought of what Todd said. He took a deep breath and struggled for a while before deciding to ask.

“We… We will have children again in the future. Can you get an abortion this time?”

“What did you say?”

Viola was struck dumb. It took her quite a while to digest Ormand ‘s words. She pulled her hand out of his. It hit her so hard that a chill washed over her.

“They are twins. We have to be very lucky to get twins. Why are you saying this?”

Chapter 3 Win

Viola couldn ‘t get it. Then she remembered the private talk between Alina and Ormand a few days ago, so she mocked, “So, you believed your aunt’s words and suspected that this child was Jerry’s? You don’t believe my love for you?”

“Of course, I believe in your love for me. I would never have that kind of thought. Viola…”

Viola dodged his touching, turned over, and was about to get off the bed.

Ormand quickly hugged her from behind and put his head on her shoulder. He hurriedly explained.

“You misunderstood. You got pregnant before the virus in my body was cured. The babies are likely to be born with diseases. Even you may be infected.

“But there is only one tube of Super Serum. Moreover, you are pregnant and can’t get an injection. I… I really dare not put you at any risk. ‘I

Viola gradually calmed down.

Ormand continued, “So the twins… Let’s abort them, okay?”

“How?” Viola turned to look at Ormand with calm eyes.

‘I There is a drug abroad called Meefis. It is very suitable to abort an early fetus. It is the least harmful to the mom ‘s body. After resting for a period of time, you will recover soon. Let’s make a baby again after you recover, okay?”


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