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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 372

Chapter 372 Orrnand Misses Being Hit by the Rod

Hearing Viola’s soft but cold voice, Todd was so scared that he almost threw his phone away.

For a long time, he didn’t dare to speak, not even daring to breathe.

Viola reminded him seriously, “Todd, you’d better tell the truth for Ormand. If you confess now, I might consider forgiving you.

Otherwise, don’t blame me!”

She gritted her teeth as she said the last few words.

Todd was so afraid that he quickly explained, “Ormand was concerned about your health. He loves you so much. He…

Todd explained the situation to Viola and kept begging for Viola’s forgiveness. Two minutes later, Viola finally understood the whole story.

“Alright, I understand. It’s good that you can tell me. I won’t make things difficult for you, and I won’t let Ormand secretly take revenge on you. Don’t worry.

Todd was more afraid that Ormand and Viola’s relationship would be affected. He said, “Viola, don’t get angry with Ormand. He…

Viola was too lazy to listen to Todd’s pleading, so she coldly said, “You don’t have to worry. He will be fine.” After that, she hung up the phone.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The entire bedroom was filled with cool air.

Chapter 372 Ormand Misses Be•nq H” b/ Ibe Rod t 17

Viola turned to look at Ormand, but before she could say anything, something was suddenly thrust into her hand.

She looked down and saw the rod, which was usually put in the drawer of the bedside table.

“Wow, you took out the rod yourself. What does this mean? You miss being whipped by it?” Viola asked deliberately.

Ormand bit his lower lip. The tips of his ears were slightly red, and his voice was weak. ‘Il was wrong. I should have been more careful. Don’t be mad at me.”

“Orin, the baby belongs to us. You don It have the right to make any decision for me.”

“I know…”

Ormand avoided her gaze. “I was just thinking about it. I wanted to discuss it with you when I got home.

Viola played with the rod and casually asked him, “If it weren’t for Todd’s interference, would you discuss it with me?”

“I’m sorry.”

Ormand didn ‘t know how to defend himself. Although he did take the initiative to discuss it with Viola, any further explanation seemed useless at this moment. He’d better admit his fault.

Thinking of that, he mustered up his courage and spread out his hands, extending them to Viola.

“As long as you don ‘t be mad at me, I accept my punishment. ”

“Orin, I just want to tell you that this matters to the two of us. You have to discuss it with me in the future. You can’t make your own decision as you do at work.

Viola looked at his lowered head.

She didn’t want to beat him up, not at all.

Moreover, this kind of childish punishment was nothing to him, who had just recovered from illness. He just wanted her to vent her anger.

However, what Ormand did today was indeed a bit too much.

Viola still had to teach him a lesson!

When she thought of that, Viola curved her lips into a crafty smile. Her eyes were shining with schemes. “You really need some discipline, but did I say that I would hit your hand?”

Ormand suddenly raised his head, and while seeing Viola’s cunning expression, he had a bad feeling.

The smile on Viola’s lips deepened. She sat cross-legged on the bed and gently patted the front of her. “Lie here.”

Ormand was stunned for a second.

He wasn’t very sure what she meant. “Don’t tell me you want to hit …

my… butt?”

“So smart! ” Viola nodded without hesitation.

Chapter 377 Ormond Misses H” by the Rod

Ormand’s ears suddenly turned red, and his face and neck were red, too.


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