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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381 I Am Waiting for Your Mental Collapse
“Yes, Mr. Hobson is worried about your safety.”
Viola felt warm inside, and she immediately ordered them, “There are too many people. The scene is chaotic, but I will be fine. You go and clear the area first. Keep all the media that have taken videos here and let them stay together. Is that okay?”
“No problem, Ms. McGraw.”
The bodyguards quickly moved to deal with the chaotic crowd.
Rebecca fell straight down from the city wall. She thought that her brain would explode and she would die on the spot.
However, she fell into the soft cushion and did not feel any pain.
Before she could react, Jimmy and the others quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hands behind her back, restraining
In less than five minutes, all the staff members on the scene were driven away and given warnings before they left.
The group of reporters who had taken the video was arranged by four bodyguards, waiting for Viola to come over later to negotiate.
Almost everyone had left, and there was a lot less noise at the
foot of the large city wall.
Only Rebecca’s screams kept annoying them.
Viola stepped forward and coldly glared at Rebecca, who was pressed down by Jimmy and the others.
“Viola! You will die a horrible death! You bitch, I won’t let you go!” Rebecca constantly scolded her.
Viola allowed her to scold her. When Rebecca’s throat was dry and she started coughing, Viola looked at Jimmy. “Let go of her.”
“What? Ms. McGraw, this is a crazy woman! What if she hurts you?”
“Don’t worry. Let her go.”
Jimmy and the others had no choice but to unwillingly let go of
After Rebecca regained her freedom, she quickly took out the golden scissors she had hidden in her pocket. Before all the bodyguards could react, she stabbed directly at Viola.
“Bitch! Go to hell!”
“Ms. McGraw, be careful!”
As all the bodyguards and Sherlyn cried out in alarm, Viola quickly made her move and kicked the back of Rebecca‘s hand.
Rebecca was in so much pain that she dropped the scissors immediately. completely stunned.
In such a short time, she was defeated by Viola.
Just as Rebecca was in a daze, the bodyguards quickly took action and subdued her again, pressing her down on the ground.
Viola expressionlessly stepped on her hands, crouched down, and snorted.
“Rebecca, you underestimate me too much. Even if it‘s inconvenient for me, you can‘t be my opponent. It‘s just a difference between whether I want to fight back or not.”
Rebecca screamed, about to go crazy.
Viola thought it was noisy and frowned unhappily. She raised her hand and gave Rebecca a hard slap.
There was a loud slap.
There was a sharp pain on her cheek, and Rebecca was stunned
with tears.
After Rebecca quieted down a bit, Viola pinched her chin, forced her face up, and calmly analyzed the situation.
“You should have stayed in prison. Why did you appear at the new drama shooting ceremony I invested in? You even stole the small scissors used for the ceremony. You are really well–prepared. Whose idea was it?”
Rebecca only smiled and did not answer.
Viola continued to analyze, “There are only a few people in the United States who can get you out of Salt Lake City Prison without anyone noticing. Ronian, my brother, Neil Gray, Jaron Olson, and Ormand. Who do you think I should suspect?”
“Do you really want to know?” Rebecca laughed even louder, staring at Viola with a playful expression.
“Of course.”
Rebecca‘s expression was full of mystery, and she laughed strangely and wildly.
“Viola, you don‘t know how surprised I was when he came to visit me in the prison!
“The one with you has been pretending to be pitiful by your side for so long. I really look forward to the day you see who he truly is!
“It should be soon!”
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Her venomous eyes were filled with schadenfreude and her
expression was twisted like a madman.
Viola slapped her two more times angrily, and her strength was
heavier than before.
“You dare to frame Orin. It seems that you really don’t want to
live anymore.”
Rebecca glared at her with a swollen face. She didn’t give any
explanation for Viola’s words.
Jimmy asked, “Ms. McGraw, how should she be dealt with?”
Viola casually got up and took the wet towel from Vincent. She
wiped her right hand that had slapped Rebecca.
“Send her to the National Bureau of Investigation and hand her
over to Orin. She escaped from prison and deliberately stirred
up trouble. She also secretly hid a weapon and maliciously hurt
others. Deal with her as she should have been dealt with.”
Rebecca failed, but she was still smiling, as if there was a
problem with her spirit.
She glared at Viola with her blood–red eyes as she was handcuffed and dragged away by the bodyguards Ormand had sent.
Before she left, she did not forget to mock, “It must feel bad to be betrayed by the person you deeply love! Viola! I will wait for the day you know the truth and collapse!”
Viola stood there and pondered over the meaning behind her
Tyler, who had always been the calmest, approached her and said in a low voice, “Ms. McGraw, judging from Rebecca‘s expression, I think she isn‘t lying. She might really know something.”
“She was following the orders. As she won‘t have a good ending, she will not reveal the information.”
She looked in the direction that Rebecca had been dragged away and continued to scoff. “Moreover, she was just saying those words to frame Orin. I believe that Orin will not act differently in front of and behind me.”
Tyler thought about it and felt that it was very reasonable.
There might be someone who hurt and betrayed Viola, but it would absolutely not be Ormand. Moreover, Viola was pregnant with his baby.
After finally dealing with the noisy Rebecca, Viola turned and left to look for the media who were controlled by the bodyguards.
In the face of the group of media, she said in a loud voice firmly, “Everyone, I disdain to do anything that goes against the law. Rebecca deserved to go to jail, and the criminal record can be checked.
“If I see a word on the Internet about today‘s matter, it means that the stock market values of Angle Group and the McGraw Group will fall, and I will lose at least 16 million dollars in a day.
“Compared with just losing this money, I think it’s better to give it to you as hush money. What do you think?”
The crowd looked at each other. They barely needed to think about it and quickly made a decision.
“We promise you, Ms. McGraw. You will never see a word about today‘s matter on the Internet. As for the delay of the ceremony, we will help you find a reasonable reason to post online!”
Viola raised her red lips and smiled in satisfaction. “Very good. I will have the bodyguards watch you delete the video.
“Remember your promise. My eldest brother is in charge of domestic affairs, and he has private soldiers. My third brother is dominant in the entertainment industry, and my man has an
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“If I find that someone took the money but did not keep the
promise, I have a thousand ways to deal with him. Does anyone
want to try it?”


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