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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Mr. Hobson Is Furious
The crowd looked aghast and shook their heads like mad.
“No, no! Ms. McGraw, given the big shots behind your back, how dare we lie to you!”
“Don‘t worry, Ms. McGraw! Our lips are sealed!”
Viola nodded, winked at her bodyguards, and told them to watch the videos be deleted.
Then, Viola left without looking back. Then, she ordered Toby and Vincent to send Sherlyn home.
On her way to Angle Group, Viola thought about Rebecca in the
Viola thought, Rebecca is domineering and vicious. Therefore, she has few bosom friends, and Max is one of them.
Max was the boss behind the scene at Rebecca‘s birthday banquet.
Is Max the culprit again?
Did she take advantage of Rebecca to deliberately cause trouble?
However, Max seems cautious though she is young. Will she do things in such an imprudent way?
Viola looked at the scenery outside the car window and thought of Rebecca‘s words.
Viola felt that Rebecca had tried to drive a wedge between her and her husband. Ormand and I have gone through a lot of trouble. Rebecca is foolish if she thinks she can destroy trust between us with a few words. Viola thought.
The car stopped in the underground garage of Angle Group.
Viola went to the top floor.
When Viola stepped out of the elevator, Rayna came over to greet her.
“Ms. McGraw, the representative from Portugal is here for trade negotiation. He is in the conference room.”
Back in Portugal, Viola and Miguel had talked about tax–free privileges. Then, Viola left Bobby in charge of the follow–up work.
“Okay,” Viola casually responded.
Viola returned to her office and then got changed before heading to the conference room.
The door of the conference room was open, so Viola instantly saw that pair of exquisite azure eyes.
“It is incredible that your father let you fly all the way here to
be the representative.” Viola smiled with surprise.
Byron was handsome and lively. There was a sincere smile on
his face.
Byron stretched out his hand and greeted Viola as the locals did. “Hello, Ms. McGraw. I am the representative of Portugal for this negotiation. I volunteered my service for it.”
When Viola was in Portugal, Byron helped her. Therefore, Viola
liked this young and innocent man.
“Hello, I hope we can work well together.” Viola extended her right hand, so the two people shook hands in a friendly
Viola was professional at work. She seriously discussed the cooperation with Byron.
Rayna took the minutes for this negotiation.
The negotiation lasted for more than three hours, and both parties were satisfied with the cooperation. Moreover, Viola recommended several popular television dramas produced by her company to Byron and reserved their copyright overseas.
It was almost time to get off work when Viola and Byron finished the discussion on the additional provisions in the contract.
Chapter 382 Mr Hobson is Furious
“Ms. McGraw, may I treat you to dinner tonight to celebrate our first cooperation?” Byron asked, staring at Viola with his blue eyes.
Viola pondered for a moment. I sold those dramas and will gain more than expected in this collaboration. Moreover, Byron flew
all the way here. It is reasonable for me to do the honors.
However, Orin will be jealous…
After two minutes of hesitation, Viola smiled. “No. It‘s your first visit to the United States. Tonight, I‘ll treat you to some specialties here. However, the dishes will be a bit light because I am pregnant. By the way, I can‘t drink.”
Byron was happy. “It doesn‘t matter. The tasteless bun will become sweet if I have the honor to dine with a beauty like
“You flatter me.”
“Come on! I am serious and sincere!”
Viola and Byron chatted happily.
They didn‘t notice Rayna‘s awkward expression.
Rayna double–confirmed the adoration in the eyes of Byron and then tipped Ormand stealthily.
She kept apologizing to Viola in her heart.
Rayna thought, Ms. McGraw, I am guilty!
Mr. Hobson told me to keep an eye on his rivals and alert him if there was any risk.
His offer is generous! Too generous!
Mr. Hobson will become your husband soon. I know that he will not harm you, so I… Sorry!
Coming out of the conference room, Viola immediately sent a message to Ormand.
Viola: “I have a business dinner tonight, so I can‘t dine with you. We can have some fun together after this project is over. Be good, Orin!”
Viola attached a cute emoji to her message.
Viola received a reply from Ormand before putting her phone
Ormand: “How many people are there? Men? Women?”
Viola was stunned.
Viola thought, he would be jealous if I told him the truth.
Then, Viola typed.
Viola: “Many people. There are both men and women. Don‘t worry! I will keep a distance from others!”
In the end, Viola attached an emoji of a kiss.
After this message, Viola didn‘t receive any reply.
Viola stuffed her phone back into her bag. She chatted with Byron while waiting for the elevator together.
Viola didn‘t know that her message had enraged Ormand in the car.
Ormand almost destroyed the black SSC Tuatara in which he
A storm was coming.
Viola and Byron walked out of Angle Group side by side, and there was a short distance between them.
Byron asked, “Ms. McGraw, I heard that you would get married this time.”
“Yes, my wedding will be held next month. If you are still here
then, come to my wedding with a gift.”
Byron burst into laughter. “I will bring you a good gift!”
Viola smiled. “Don‘t worry. When you get married, I will send you my gift even if I can‘t attend your wedding. You will have nothing to lose!”
Byron laughed loudly with a trace of disappointment hidden in his blue eyes.
“It is early to talk about my wedding. I fell in love with a girl not long ago, but soon she got married. I became lovelorn because I know what lovesickness is.”
Then, Byron lowered his head sadly.
Viola consoled, “Don‘t be discouraged. You will meet your girl
“I hope so.”
Byron stopped and suddenly held Viola‘s hand in a gentlemanly way.
“Ms. McGraw, I want to greet you with the etiquette of Portugal for the last time, may I?”
Viola thought, isn‘t it a kiss on the back of my hand? It‘s not a
big problem.
“Beautiful lady, I am very happy to dine with you tonight,” said Byron as he looked at the smiling Viola in a trance.
Then, Byron lowered his head.
Before luis lips touched the back of Viola‘s fair hand, a pair of big palms gripped his wrist.
There came an angry voice.
“Hehe, dinner? i‘ll treat you to this first!”
Then, Byron got a punch on his right cheek.


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