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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385 I Want to Imprison You
“Ronian knows that Jerry stole strong corrosive agent S40 and Super 404. I don‘t know if he knew about it long ago, but I think he is the most suspicious.”
Viola thought about it and shook her head. “I had an accident when I was fifteen years old. Although I don‘t remember what happened, I know that it must be someone familiar with me so that he could catch me unprepared!
“Moreover, Aydan wanted to harm me before because I have the right to inherit the property of the McGraw family. Ronian couldn‘t get any inheritance, so he was just an accomplice at most. I don‘t think he is the mastermind.”
Ormand was silent for a moment before he brought up a new possibility.
“Maybe the real mastermind doesn‘t have so much power. He just used a big shot like Ronian who has special privileges.”
“Yes, I think the same.”
Ormand rubbed her head. “Stop thinking about it. Hurry up and eat. With me here, I won‘t let anyone hurt you again.”
Viola pursed her lips and smiled.
Her eyes shone with a faint light.
She said with a sly smile, “They want to harm me. If I just hide them, they will hide as well. But if I goad them, they will be more anxious to attack. The more times they attack, the more flaws they will leave!”
Ormand was slightly startled and was deeply captivated by the calmness in Viola‘s eyes.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Originally, I was not interested in the inheritance right, but since everyone wants it so much, I might just accept it.”
Viola slightly raised her long neck and looked very proud.
Ormand said worriedly, “Viola, how about we talk about this later? You‘re pregnant now, and we are going to marry next month.”
Ormand did not want anything to happen at this critical juncture.
Viola nodded. “Don‘t worry, I will take care of it. I will not rush it. Moreover, I will protect myself and not let the baby and I suffer any harm.”
Ormand did not say anything else and was lost in thought when he silently lowered his head to eat.
The next morning, when Viola arrived at Angle Group, Byron was already sitting in her office waiting for her.
As soon as Byron saw Viola come in, he immediately stood up and asked, “Ms. McGraw, I‘m very sorry to have Mr. Hobson misunderstand us last night. Did you quarrel when you went back?”
“No. We‘re fine.”
“How‘s the injury on your face?” Viola asked with a smile as she walked to the office chair and sat down.
Byron touched his face and smiled indifferently, “I asked the hotel for an ice bag and applied it to my face last night. I feel much better now.”
“I went back to talk to my fiancé, and he knew that he was too impulsive when he beat you up. He said that he wanted to treat you to dinner. How about we have dinner together tonight?” Viola apologized.
“Alright.” Byron nodded without hesitation.
“Speaking of which, I should apologize to Mr. Hobson as well. He was right. Do in Rome as Rome does. Since I have come to the United States, I should follow the customs of the country. I was abrupt to ask you to greet me with Portuguese etiquette.”
Viola didn‘t exchange banalities with him and said, “It‘s good
HE NORA that you‘ve thought it through. The legal department is already printing the contract. Would you like to go to the resting hall to eat something first?”
“Then I won‘t take up any more of your time,” said Byron politely and got up to leave.
They smiled at each other.
When Viola turned on the computer and was about to focus on the work, someone called her.
It was from Willard.
She immediately answered the phone.
“Baby, how have you been recently? Is your morning sickness severe?”
Viola typed as she casually replied, “I‘m fine. I occasionally have a strong reaction, but don‘t worry, dad. I‘m in good health.”
“That‘s good.” Willard paused for a moment and then asked uncertainly, after a long pause, “Are you free this weekend?”
Viola checked the time at the right corner of the computer and laughed, “Dad, it‘s Monday today. I haven‘t scheduled for the weekend yet, and I don‘t have the ability to predict the future. So I don‘t know if I will be free.”
“Baby, can you spare some time this weekend and go back to the McGraw‘s house?”
Viola did not answer immediately.
Willard was silent for a moment. He seemed to be a little afraid that she would refuse.
So he added, “Baby, I‘m getting old, and my health is getting worse. I want to take off the burden of work and have a great time with my grandson. There should be someone in charge of the McGraw Group. I hope that you can come back this week and sign the inheritance agreement, OK?”
Viola‘s hands paused
Ever since Viola came back from Salt Lake City, Willard always found an excuse and asked her to go to work in the McGraw Group and familiarize herself with the business so that she could take over the McGraw Group in the future.
Viola had made it clear that she was not interested in the McGraw Group and insisted on expanding Angle Group‘s business from Washington to Salt Lake City. She did so because she wanted to break away from Willard‘s control and made a business herself.
But she was hesitant now.
Thinking about her plan with Ormand last night, Viola didn‘t Chapter 385 I Want to imprison You
refuse Willard and said, “Okay, Dad. I‘ll spare some time to go back home this weekend.”
Willard didn‘t expect her to agree so readily this time and was
at a loss.
When he came to his senses, Willard was extremely happy. “You‘re so good! I will wait for you this weekend!”
They chatted for a while longer. Willard asked her to pay more attention to her diet and health before hanging up the phone.
Viola signed a contract with Byron in the afternoon.
Ormand had already arrived at the office early to wait for her. He sat on the sofa and read the books on Viola‘s shelf.
Signing a contract was a serious matter. Byron brought his legal personnel from Portugal to check the contract out. After both sides had discussed the matter and agreed on the terms, they signed the contract.
It was two hours later when Viola finished the matter.
When Viola returned to the office to pack up her bag, she saw Ormand lying on her sofa and asleep.
She walked over and took away the book in his hand carefully. Then, she sat down and admired his sleeping face.
Seeing that he was sleeping so soundly, Viola suddenly had a
naughty idea.
Viola reached out her fingers, wanting to pinch his nose to wake him up.
However, when she was about to touch his nose, Viola did not bear to treat him like that.
In the end, she bent over and kissed his thin lips, waking him up with a sweet and soft kiss.
Ormand blinked his long eyelashes and woke up in a daze.
Then he saw Viola‘s beautiful face.
At that moment, Ormand felt so peaceful and at ease.
He wrapped his arms around Viola and pulled her into his arms. He then turned around and circled her on the sofa, kissing her lips domineeringly.
Their intertwined breaths made Ormand feel like he had been enchanted, and he was utterly infatuated with her.
After the kiss, Ormand lay on his side, his left hand supporting his head, and his right hand gently hooked the tip of her nose, staring at Viola witlu infatuation.
“How nice it would be if I could imprison you. So you would only stay with me and smile at me.”
“What are you thinking!” Viola frowned, pretending to be angry. She reached out and patted the solid flesh behind him.
After that, Viola pinched him and then patted him again, flirting with Ormand as she liked.
“Ms. McGraw, Mr. Aveiro is waiting for you outside. When you are done, you should have dinner together.”
Rayna knocked on the door. When she saw that the door was not closed, she pushed the door open, entered the office, and happened to see the scene on the sofa.


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