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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 I Can Use My Hands
Viola had done something wrong tonight. Now that she saw Ormand kneel on the washboard, the anger in her heart instantly disappeared. She felt guilty and distressed.
She walked over and gently poked his shoulder with her
“Let’s stop arguing, alright?”
Ormand snorted and ignored her.
Viola suppressed her temper and continued coaxing, “I haven’t had dinner yet, and you brought me back. I’m hungry now. Be good, Orin. Get up and cook for me.”
“I’m on my knees. I don’t have time!”
“I’ll call Leia to cook some food for you.” Ormand did not move
at all. He took out his phone from his pocket and was about to
send a message.
Viola continued to poke his shoulder. “But I want to eat what you made. Moreover, if Leia comes over, Todd will also come along. Aren’t you going to get up then? If he sees you, will he secretly laugh at you?”
Ormand’s hand that was typing suddenly paused.
However, he soon thought of a solution. “I will inform her in
advance that Todd is not allowed to come along. I’ll let Leia send the food to the door and ask Tyler to bring it to the dining room.”
Viola was speechless.
Ormand was so stubborn…
She bent down and gently hugged him from behind. She took away the phone while he had yet to finish editing the message. Her little face pressed against his face and gently rubbed against it.
“Stop messing around. What do you want me to do before you get up?”
Ormand bit his lips tightly. With her soft face rubbing against him, Ormand’s emotions began to calm.
He thought about it and said gloomily, “Say you’re sorry. Say that you will never lie to me again and won’t let other men kiss you, including your hands and hair! And you are not allowed to
have dinner alone with other men!”
Viola was speechless. “That’s my job! I invited him to dinner because we talked about cooperation. And I’ve already explained that things are not what you think. Kissing the back of the hand is the culture of Portugal. This is very normal!”
“You don’t know why you are wrong at all! And you even think
that was right!”
“Don’t worry about me. Let me reflect on myself.” Ormand was furious. He pushed her slender arms away forcefully.
Viola sat back on the bed in anger and stared at him from a
“Indeed, you ́should reflect on yourself. I haven’t scolded you
for a long time.
“You aggrieved me tonight. You even beat people up for no reason. I’ve tried to give you an out, but you rejected it!
“Also, how many times did you yell at me tonight?”
“I don’t remember. I don’t count,” Ormand said, his back slightly stiff.
Viola said in a bad mood, “Fine. Since you don’t remember, there must be a lot. Kneeling for one night is not enough. How about for a whole day?”
Ormand felt bitter in his heart. His chest was stuffy as he was close to tears. The mist in his eyes started to rise again, and he
didn’t reply.
Viola sat cross–legged by the bed and inhaled deeply.
This was the first time she and Ormand had argued so fiercely since they had reconciled.
Thinking of the fetus, she inhaled again and tried to control
her frustration. She simply did not look at the man by the wall
and let him suffer a little.
She took out her phone and continued to deal with her work.
The room quickly quieted down, but the atmosphere was still very disharmonious.
After arguing for more than ten minutes and being ignored by Viola for more than half an hour, Ormand felt more and more
pain in his knees.
He frowned, and his breath was gradually becoming heavier. Cold sweat began to drop from his forehead.
Although Viola was looking at her phone, she was secretly glancing at Ormand by the wall and noticed his pain.
Viola heaved a sigh of relief and could not bear to do so.
“If you really kneel for a whole day, I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk for the next two days.” Her voice was much softer.
Ormand clenched his fists. His nasal voice was very strong, and he felt aggrieved and bitter. “If my legs are crippled, so be it. Anyway, no one will feel sorry for me.”
Viola was speechless.
Viola closed her eyes.
She really admitted defeat this time.
“Nonsense. If you hurt yourself, my heart will ache.”
Viola hugged him again and helped him wipe off the sweat on his forehead, acting like a sweet girl with a soft voice.
“I was wrong! I will tell Byron tomorrow that I will never go
out with him. Even if I have to, I will bring you with me. Is that
“I can forgive you, but don’t do that again,” Ormand snorted.
“Fine, I promise I won’t do it again. Hurry up and get up.”
Viola gently helped him up, took him to the bed, sat down, and
rolled up his trousers to check his knees.
The sharp edges of the washboard made deep ridges on his knees. Fortunately, Ormand didn’t kneel long. There were no
wounds, only a large bruise.
Viola carefully helped Ormand rub his bruise. In order to prevent it from turning blue and purple tomorrow, she took the ointment from the bedside drawer and helped him apply it.
“Why did you do that? Why do you have to torture yourself?”
Viola sighed at the end of her sentence. “Does it hurt?”
“My heart hurts even more!” Ormand stared at her in
frustration, his face full of grievances.
Viola immediately kissed his thin lips. Her entire heart was melted by his pitiful look. She coaxed Ormand lovingly, “Then tonight, I’ll make it up to you. How about it?”
“You have to be careful for the first three months. You can’t have sex. How can you make it up?”
Viola’s sexy eyes were sparkling. She said in an inviting tone, “That doesn’t mean I can’t make you high. I can use these!”
Viola reached out her slender and white hands to his eyes.
Ormand, who understood it instantly, said, “You naughty girl!”
After a pleasant hour.
Ormand removed all the hostility in his body. With Viola’s performance, he felt refreshed.
He walked out of the bedroom with satisfaction and went
downstairs to cook dinner.
After a big quarrel, because of Viola’s timely appeasement,
their relationship was not affected too much.
Especially after getting compensation from Viola, Ormand felt
very pleased.
When they were eating, Viola remembered what happened
during the opening ceremony and asked seriously.
“Today, Rebecca said that someone went to visit her when she
was in prison. She didn’t expect that at all. When you have
time, ask someone to check her visiting records for the past
few months.”
Ormand’s expression immediately became serious.
“I have checked it. There is no record at all.”
“How could that be? Then Rebecca is lying?” Viola put down
her fork.
Ormand shook his head. “She should not be lying. The high–ranking soldiers have the privilege of not being recorded
when they visit criminals. However, because of that, the scope
of the investigation has been reduced. Currently, only five
people in the country have this right.”
Viola listened carefully and pondered.
“Eat first. I’ll tell you slowly.” Ormand immediately picked up
a piece of food with his fork and put it on her plate.
“These five people are Ronian, Bobby, Neil, Jaron, and me.
Among them, Jaron has not returned to Salt Lake City for more than half a year and he has been working at the border. He is basically excluded.
“Bobby and I would never do something like that to hurt you, so I asked Todd to investigate Ronian and Neil. I believe that it
won’t be long before we find out the truth.”
Viola frowned and analyzed, “Neil is not familiar with me and
has never interacted with me. I don’t think it’s him. As for Ronian… What do you think?”


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