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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Secret on the Old House’s Top Floor

“Who is better–looking, he or I?” Ormand asked as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Viola.

Viola chuckled. “You’re better–looking.”

Ormand was not satisfied. “Is his figure good? Does he dance well?”

Tsk, tsk, tsk. The elevator was filled with jealousy.

Viola held back her laughter as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She got close to Ormand’s ear and said something softly.

Ormand instantly stopped being jealous after hearing that. His upset look disappeared.

Ormand rubbed his high nose against the tip of Viola’s. He said in a husky voice, “When we get

home, I’ll show you my dance. Do you want to see a sexy one or a beautiful one?”

“I want one that’s both sexy and beautiful.” Viola tried to hold back her laughter.

Ormand lowered his head and kissed her red lips. “OK. But from now on, you are not allowed to look at other men when they perform this kind of revealing dance.”

Viola was speechless. “The first half of his dance is quite regular. I didn’t expect his style in the latter half to be like that. But to be honest, this contestant has varied and diverse dance styles. This is very good.”

Viola unintentionally praised Brogan. Ormand’s face instantly sank. “He’s seducing you! He’s a jerk! He performed a revealing dance in front of a married woman! He has bad intentions!”

Viola almost failed to hold back her laughter. She hurriedly rubbed the back of Ormand’s neck and coaxed him, “Alright, alright, alright. I won’t watch that anymore. I can’t stand the jealousy of a certain guy. It’s killing me.

Only then was Ormand satisfied. He walked out of the Angle Building confidently and resolutely.

Viola looked at the tall building that was gradually getting further and further away. Suddenly, a

sense of doubt rose in her heart.

“Ormand, why do you always come over to check on me every time other men stand beside me in

Angle Group? Do you have a spy around me?”

Ormand’s back stiffened.

Viola looked at his expression and narrowed her eyes. “Tell me. Be honest, and I will be lenient!”

“Let me explain.” His face paled.

Viola grabbed his cheek, twisted it, and asked seriously, “Who is your spy?”

Ormand did not reply.

If Ormand told her, he was betraying the person. After all, that person had helped him a lot. It was

not righteous to betray the person.

Thinking of this, Ormand changed the subject. “Viola, why don’t you guess?”

“You’re not telling me? You still want to protect the spy?”

Viola pinched his cheek harder. “Ormand, I won’t guess. I’ll investigate it. Once I find out, you and that person will be in trouble!”

Be in trouble?

Ormand shivered all over. He didn’t want to be punished for this.

Ormand couldn’t accept it!

“Honey, I bribed the people around you just to ensure that you are safe when you are out of my sight. Moreover, they did what I said because I am your husband. But they are still your people.”

Viola’s face was dark. She keenly noticed his words, “You said ‘They‘? It seems that there is more than one spy? How many spies are there in the Angle Group? Does the McGraw Group also have some?”

Ormand was instantly speechless.

He thought, what should I do now?

He seemed to have leaked his secret!

When Viola caught a glimpse of his expression, she knew that Ormand was thinking of something bad and continued to pinch his face angrily.

“Hiss…” Ormand’s face tightened, and he gasped. “Viola, be gentle. If you pinch me again, it will be swollen. And my face will be ugly.”

Viola let go unwillingly and pinched the soft flesh on his waist.

“Go back and write a list of their names for me. If you resist, you will be punished. The disciple planks of the family are ready. If you dare to deceive me, you will suffer!”

“Be gentle.”

Ormand did not dodge. He put his hands around Viola’s slender waist tightly and shrank into her arms.

“Honey, don’t be angry. When we get back, I’ll make you some tea to help you cool down.“.


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