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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 451

Chapter 451 Russell Is Ripped Off

Under the moonlight, the man’s handsome face was extremely gloomy, making her chill all over.


She calmed herself down and gripped the eyebrow trimmer in her hand, ready to attack at any moment.

With a cold face, Ronian asked again, “It’s late. What are you doing here instead of sleeping? Didn’t I tell you to behave last time?”

“I… I can’t sleep. I heard a noise coming from the top floor and came up to take a look. I was about to go back when you came.”

She swallowed and changed the topic. She said, “Why are you in the old mansion? It’s so late, and you’re still in your military uniform…”

Ronian’s expression did not change. “The bureau had a mission for me. I just finished. Tomorrow is your homecoming party, and it will be held here, so I came back to rest tonight.”

“I see. Sorry for the trouble, Ronian,” she lowered her head and said respectfully.

“Go back to your room to rest,” Ronian said in a cold tone, without any expression.


Sherlyn nodded. She remembered the sound of chains she had just heard and was unwilling.

“Ronian, does Mom really live on the top floor? I heard the sound of chains being dragged on the floor. Was it Mom?”

“Mom is asleep. You must have misheard.” There was no emotion on his cold face.

“But…” Sherlyn insisted. “I heard just right. I heard the sound of chains. If Mom is the only one living on the top floor… Did you lock her up?”

Ronian narrowed his eyes and stared at her coldly, not replying.

“Ronian, I’m going to be a part of this family, and I want us to be honest with each other. I have a right to know the Felton family’s secrets.”

“You think too much. The Felton family doesn’t have any secrets. I will say it again. Go back to sleep.”

Sherlyn did not move. “I am not sleepy now. Ronian, can you unlock the door? I want to go in and see Mom.”

“No. Mom is already asleep. You will wake her up,” Ronian said decisively.

Whatever she said was in vain.

Sherlyn was speechless.

“Be good. Tomorrow is your homecoming party, and you have a lot to do. Go to bed,” he coaxed in a soft tone and took the eyebrow trimmer from her hand.


Ronian was here. It was impossible for her to investigate the top floor secretly. She could only do it later.

She bypassed Ronian and was ready to go down the stairs.

With a dull thud, he hit her hard in the back of her head with his hand.

She felt a sharp pain, and her consciousness vanished. She blacked out.

In the long corridor on the top floor, a cold wind blew.

Ronian held the unconscious Sherlyn. He looked upright in his military uniform, but his face was gloomy and sinister.

“You are so curious about the top floor. I will help you make your wish come true.”

The next day at the party.

It was the time before dinner. Viola and Ormand had to attend together, so Todd and Leia were called to Viorin again to help Aracely take care of the babies.

Before leaving for the Felton’s old house, Viola and Ormand first went to find Russell. They would come together.

On the way, Russell, who was sitting in the extended luxury car, was restless, and his jaw was slightly stiff.

Viola could feel his nervousness. “Russell, relax. Today is a good day for Sherlyn. You can be together from today on.”


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