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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 452

Chapter 452 Russell Isn’t Sherlyn’s Fiancé

The McGraw Group was currently a large group second only to the Hobson Group in the United States. Five percent of the shares were already a lot.

Yet Ronian asked for fifteen percent.

What was more, it was only for engagement. It would cost Russell more if he wanted to marry Sherlyn.

Though fifteen percent of the shares were a lot, it was OK if it was for Sherlyn. However, Ronian wanted the shares for the Felton family, which upset Viola and Russell.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became solemn, and no one spoke for a long time.

Ronian observed Viola and Russell’s expressions and said with a smile, “Sherlyn is very

sought–after. Ever since she was announced as the daughter of our family, many noble families have come to me, wanting Sherlyn to be their daughter–in–law. They basically offer fifteen of the company shares for the engagement gifts, so I’m interested in Mr. McGraw’s decision as well.”

Russell was silent.

He didn’t own the McGraw Group. He didn’t get to decide.

Besides, as the third eldest son of the McGraw family, he only had fifteen percent of the shares in the McGraw Group. He needed the permission of the head of the family before changing the ownership of the shares.

Ronian wanted fifteen percent of the shares as Russell and Sherlyn’s engagement gifts. He was simply unreasonable.

Viola replied with a smile, “Mr. Felton, don’t you think you’re asking too much? Fifteen percent of other companies‘ shares can never be compared with that of the McGraw Group.”

Ronian said, “In addition to the shares, they have other gifts. I know that the stock price of the McGraw Group is high. That’s why I only made one request.”

Viola was a little annoyed by Ronian’s phony smile.

She bluntly retorted, “Mr. Felton, this is a rip–off. Sherlyn came out of the welfare home and officially debuted after the talent show organized by my company with her own efforts. Angle Group and Russell later offered the resources she needed.

“Other than her talent and hard work, she couldn’t have made it to the top award without me and Russell.

“The Felton family hasn’t helped her even once in more than twenty years. The Felton family gives her the identity of the daughter of a rich family. Other than that, you did nothing.”

“In this case, how can you be so cheeky and ask for fifteen percent of the McGraw Group’s shares? Besides, it’s not for Sherlyn. It will all end up in the Felton family’s pocket.

“The Felton family gives her life, and that’s all. You know that she is in a relationship with Russell, yet you still make a bargain, like she’s a commodity or something. Ronian, you are so cold and realistic.”

Being reprimanded by Viola, Ronian didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He was still expressionless.

He sipped his coffee leisurely and said in a calm tone, “Viola, there is no need to be angry. We’re just chatting here. There is still room for discussion. There is no rush. You can sit on it.”

Viola didn’t bother to talk to the phony anymore. She got up and stroked her dress. “Which room is Sherlyn in? I’ll go up and see her.”

“She is putting on makeup and changing clothes. It may not be convenient. Anyway, the banquet will start soon. You will see her then.”

Viola thought, you wouldn’t even let me see her in advance?

Viola was extremely unhappy. She turned around and left.

After walking for a few steps, she turned back and said, “Mr. Felton, I’d prefer you call me Mrs. Hobson.”

Ronian’s expression froze for a moment before he quickly smiled, “Alright.”

As Viola came out of the hall, Ormand was waiting outside. He immediately stepped forward and asked, “Viola, how is it? Did it go well?”

Viola shook her head with a solemn expression.

Ormand frowned. “Ronian didn’t agree? But Russell and Sherlyn are already in a relationship. It’s not public, but it’s already a real thing. Ronian has no reason to turn you down.”

“It’s me who turned him down.” Viola lowered her eyes. Then she calmly explained, “He asked for fifteen percent of the shares of the McGraw Group as engagement gifts.”


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