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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Ronian Gets Angry

In the hall, Ronian put the rattan back into the long box. Thinking about the fact that Viola had used Jennifer to take Sherlyn away, his eyes became even more gloomy.

The next day...

In Viorin...

Russell had not slept the entire night. He sat at the head of the bed and guarded Sherlyn the entire night.

The doctor had checked, saying that her body was very weak, and they had to use two tranquilizers to stop her from going crazy, but at the same time, the tranquilizers made her fall asleep all night.

Russell had already applied medicine and bandaged the wound on her wrist.

Russell looked at her haggard and pale sleeping face, grabbed her palm tightly, and held her fingers tightly.

Persuading her to go back to the Felton family was the most regretful thing he had done in his life. No matter what he paid, it seemed that he could not make up for the damage Sherlyn suffered in the Felton family.

When she was awake, he would just accept it no matter how she would punish him.

His eyes were full of tears, and he was so sad.

The room was filled with despair for a time.

Suddenly, a phone call interrupted his extreme sorrow.

It was a call from James.

The moment the call connected, James quickly said in a flattering tone, "Mr. McGraw, I have thought it through. I am willing to break off the engagement with Sherlyn, but I may have to delay this matter for two days and find a suitable excuse to tell Mr. Felton. Can you help me deal with the scandals online?"

Russell’s face darkened. "You want me to help you deal with the Hacker family’s mess without doing anything? James, do you take me for a fool?"

"No! Mr. McGraw, you misunderstood me. I just...“

Russell didn’t want to hear his explanation, so he warned him directly, "Before noon today, I hope to hear the news of the cancellation of the engagement. If you still delay it, I will ask Viola to cancel all the cooperation she has with the Hacker Group. Do you want to see how long the Hacker Group will go bankrupt?"

Once the McGraw Group took the lead to isolate the Hacker Group, other companies would alienate the Hacker Group as well. Without cooperation, the business of the hotel would be influenced. The Hacker Group would not be able to last for a few days.

Russell did not feel guilty at all for threatening James in this manner.

James was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was so lustful. His several wives died, and he claimed that they all died of illness, but the real cause of their death was unknown. He hid it tightly.

It was obvious that he had some sort of unknown eccentricity.

How dare such a scum have a crush on Sherlyn? Russell had shown mercy to him by just letting the Hacker Group suffer a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Mr. McGraw, you..."

James wanted to say something, but Russell decisively hung up the phone and blocked James's contact information.

In fact, Russell's threat was effective.

When James could no longer connect with Russell, he realized that he had been blacklisted by Russell. It could be seen that Russell was very angry.

He immediately called Ronian. Half an hour later, he rushed to the Felton's home.

For James, it was fine to not marry a wife for the rest of his life. After all, he could still find different women.

But he must save the Hacker Group!

The Hacker Group meant everything to him!

When James arrived at the Felton's house, Ronian was in the study dealing with official business and he asked Dewey to take James to the living room.

James waited for Ronian for an hour.

He felt so nervous that he kept sweating.

He kept looking at the time on his watch. It was almost eleven o'clock, but Ronian still hadn't come to see him. If he continued to wait like this, he was sure that his company would go bankrupt if the McGraw Group took action.


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