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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 476

Chapter 476 A Spy Has No Choice

After seeing the other party's indifferent expression, Dewey sighed. He did not say anything and obediently went down to do his work.

During lunch, the atmosphere in the dining room of the Felton's place was particularly heavy.

After sensing that Ronian had a lot on his mind and was in a bad mood, Jennifer and Konner did not dare speak while silently lowering their heads to eat.

In the huge dining room, there was only the sound of forks and spoons moving.

Ronian's face was gloomy. For some reason, he thought of the person locked on the top floor. Sherlyn already knew the Felton family's secret...

Letting her stay on Ormand's side was a great threat to Ronian.

Ronian wished he could kill Sherlyn immediately.

With a clatter, he slammed the fork on the table with a dark face.

The sudden crisp sound scared Jennifer and Konner, and they didn't even dare chew the food in their mouths.

Konner was weak and had no independent thoughts. After seeing that Ronian had not eaten, Konner decisively put down his fork, swallowed the last mouthful of food in his mouth, and sat silently.

Jennifer was too embarrassed to continue eating, so she put down her fork and turned to look at Ronian.

"Ronian, what's wrong?" Jennifer’s tone was cautious as she asked tentatively. "Is it because of... the matter of Sherlyn being taken away?"

Ronian raised his beautiful eyes and looked at Jennifer for a while before coming up with an idea.

"Since Viola said she lost her crystal earrings, then you should return them to her. If you like them, I'll give you something similar someday."

Jennifer did not dare refuse, so she could only agree unhappily.

Ronian continued, "Viola used you to take Sherlyn away. She should feel guilty about you. During this period, you should go to the Hobson's place more often."

"What?" Jennifer was confused.

And she continued, "Didn’t you say last night that I should stay away from Viola..."

"Last night was past. Now Sherlyn is over there. We don't know if she is safe. You can use this as an excuse to go over and take a look. Can't you do it?" Ronian said.

Jennifer was speechless.

She wondered if Ronian was asking her to be a double-sided spy.

If Ronian knew that she was voluntarily helping Viola get Sherlyn away, would Ronian beat her to death in anger?

Her heart pounded, and her head hung even lower. She did not want Sherlyn to return at all.

"Viola and Sherlyn are like best friends. She definitely won't do anything to harm Sherlyn. Besides, didn't you say that Sherlyn is very seriously ill? Isn’t it just right for Viola to take her away for treatment? We don't have to worry about it," Jennifer said.

Suddenly, there was a breaking sound.

And it was loud.

In his anger, Ronian directly threw the glass in front of him to the ground, and the broken glass splashed everywhere.

Konner and Jennifer trembled.

Jennifer was so frightened that she couldn't help crying. She bit her lips in grievance and curled her shoulders in apology. "Ronian, don't be angry. I was wrong."

Ronian looked less angry. "Although you don't have any feelings for Sherlyn, she is your biological sister after all. She is seriously ill and has a mental problem. As her younger sister, shouldn’t you go and see her?"

"Yes, I will go and have a look after I finish eating," Jennifer said.

"Be careful. I will arrange two bodyguards with good skills to follow you."

"Okay, I got it." Jennifer was startled and didn't think much about it.

Ronian quickly calmed down.

The servant brought a new set of bowls with a fork and placed them in front of Ronian.

Ronian picked up his fork and resumed his usual easy-going expression. "The dishes are almost cold. What are you waiting for? Eat.”

Only then did Konner and Jennifer dare move their forks. They lowered their heads and concentrated on eating.

After a while, Ronian continued, "Konner, have you been busy with business at the company recently?"


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