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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 477

Chapter 477 Ormand's Torture

Ormand raised his dark eyes and glanced at Ronian coldly. He picked up a booklet of missions on the table and threw it at the latter.

Ronian did not move at all. The paper booklet gently hit his belly and then slid to the ground.

Take a look first."

Ronian was puzzled. He bent down to pick up the booklet and seriously flipped through it.

"This is the record of my missions in the past three months. What do you mean, Mr. Hobson?”

Ormand put the cigarette in his hand on the table and seriously scolded, "Your attendance in the past month is less than the previous two months.

Shouldn't you give me an explanation?“

Ronian knew that Ormand was looking for trouble, so he could only suppress his anger and explain, "Because Sherlyn is sick, I often went home to stay with her during the last month."

"What an excuse."

Ormand picked up the ashtray on the table and smashed it on Ronian's forehead.

The moment the ashtray flew over, Ronian instinctively turned his head to dodge.

The ashtray brushed past his ear and fell onto the carpet behind him.


Behind the desk, Ormand frowned with displeasure. His dark eyes were cold and piercing, and it was a sign of anger.

Ronian stared at the metal plate on the desk with the words "Director."

He suppressed his anger constantly, turned around, picked up the ashtray on the carpet, and smashed it on his forehead in front of Ormand.

Somewhere on his forehead quickly turned red and slightly swollen, but it was not bleeding.

Ormand said seriously as he admired Ronian's defeated expression, "Sherlyn only returned to the Felton's place a week ago. It has only been seven days at most, but your workload has decreased by half.

"It's obvious that you are slacking on your work, and you still dare argue with me.

"Ronian, is it because I haven't asked about the situation in the bureau for too long? Are you itching for a beating and deliberately trying to play at me?"

The moment he finished speaking, Ormand picked up the cup on the table and threw it at Ronian.

This time, Ronian restrained the urge to dodge and did not move.

The cup just happened to hit the swollen injury he had just knocked on. The two injuries overlapped, and the skin on his forehead was scratched. It was slightly bleeding.

Ronian raised his eyebrows, endured the pain on his forehead, and replied respectfully, "Mr. Hobson, believe me. I dare not."

"You have your ideas. You and I both know whether you dare or not."

Ormand had always had a reputation for being ruthless and vicious. In the past year, he had restrained a lot of his hostility because of his wife.

This time, he was ordered by his wife to punish Ronian. He was very happy to do that.

And he had long wanted to teach Ronian a good lesson. Ronian was the best at pretending, bullying the weak, fearing the strong, and having the desire to control.

While thinking of this, Ormand rubbed the famous watch on his wrist and asked coldly, "Today, I punished you because you slacked off. You even have the delusion of quibbling and escaping the blame. Do you admit it?"

Ronian clenched his fists tightly behind his back as the veins on his arms bulged.

Ormand was Ronian's superior, so Ronian didn't dare to vent his anger.

Although he felt indignant in his heart, he could only suppress his anger. "I admit it. I am willing to accept any punishment from you, Mr. Hobson."

Ormand stared at him with dark eyes. "Of course, you will be punished. But this afternoon is still very long. I am very happy to make you follow the rules, my deputy director."

Ronian raised his head and looked at Ormand. He could sense a dangerous aura in Ormand's eyes.

Ormand adjusted the collar of his military uniform and slowly got up. He walked around the desk and stood in front of Ronian.

He was taller than Ronian, and he was more imposing than Ronian because he was a fierce and dignified superior.

"Take off your military coat."

Ronian didn't understand. He looked at Ormand for a while. In the end, he obeyed the order and obediently took off his military coat. He folded it neatly and placed it on the couch.


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