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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 481

chapter 481 There will Always Be Blood

In despair, Russell watched Ormand acting cute to Viola and sighed.

Todd was calm. He even wanted to laugh when he saw his boss being so girly in front of Viola.

Leia was envious, she pursed her lips and looked at the huge nerd beside her.

Viola saw the different expressions on their faces and laughed awkwardly.

Ormand seemed really unhappy. He put his head on her shoulder, as if asking for comfort.

Viola didn't stop Ormand from hugging her anymore. She reached out and stroked the back of his neck out of habit to soothe him.

"Everyone, focus. We're all here. Let's start." Viola changed the topic.

Todd said in a serious tone, "I've specifically investigated what it was like when Ms. Felton had an attack and also consulted a few psychologists about it. They all said that her mentality changed too quickly and her stress reaction was too strong. And she became like this in only a few days. It didn't seem natural."

"Yes." Leia nodded. "So, we are more inclined to believe that Ronian has injected her with some unknown drug."

The atmosphere in the living room quickly turned solemn after they started to talk business.

Russell pondered for a long time before he said, "I suddenly remembered something that Sherlyn had said before."

Viola asked, "What is it?"

"Viola, do you remember Sherlyn had gone back to the Felton family once to look for evidence that Jerry was an illegitimate child?"

Viola nodded. "I do."

"She said that she was attacked on the top floor of the house and was terrified. Now as I think about it, it is very similar to that when Sherlyn has a seizure. At that time, only her mother, Pamela, lived on the top floor. Sherlyn always suspected that it was Pamela."

This reminded viola of another thing. "Last time at the business party, Ronian came with Sherlyn. Sherlyn asked me about Mrs. Felton. She told me she saw red marks on Mrs. Felton's wrist when they were eating. I told you about it when I came back."

Russell nodded. He remembered it.

The atmosphere in the living room became even grimmer.

Even Ormand got up from Viola's arms and asked with a frown, "So, are you suspecting that Ronian first imprisoned his mother, injected her with medicine, and then did the same thing to Sherlyn?"

Viola and Russell nodded at the same time, with serious expressions.

Ormand lowered his eyelids to cover the viciousness and ruthlessness in his eyes, not saying another word.

Viola and the others continued.

Leia said, "If that's the case, does that mean Ronian still has the drug?"

Todd agreed. "Since he wants to control Pamela, he must continue to inject her with the drug. I remember that when I went to the Felton's house to search, the housekeeper of the Felton family told me that there was a room on the top floor with loudly rattling iron chains, as if someone was shaking them violently. And no one was allowed to open this room. Maybe Pamela was locked inside!"

Viola looked down and thought for a while. "Since that's the case, I '11 try to contact Jennifer again and see if she can help US steal the drug from Roman."

Leia replied, "Viola, after all, Jennifer is Ronian's sister. Are you sure she will be willing to help US find evidence of Roman's crime? She knows this is to take down her own brother!"

Viola wasn’t sure.

"Let's try it. Except for Jennifer, there is no one else in the Felton family that can be trusted. Ronian is under suspension. He will reflect at home and pend an investigation. He will definitely keep the house tightly guarded. We will no longer have the opportunity to enter the house to search."

They fell silent at the same time.

This was indeed the only way now.

There, they had pretty much reached the goal of this meeting.

Todd took Leia home, and Russell changed shifts with Kolby to take care of Sherlyn in the night.


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