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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 482

chapter 482 Kneel or Get Beaten Up

Ronian went down to the first floor with difficulty. Dewey and the servants carefully helped him to the main chair.

He slowly sat down, his thighs and calves having pain as if they were being pricked by needles. While painful, he liked that feeling.

His forehead was covered in sweat just after he went downstairs and sat on a chair, and his handsome face was a little pale.

He had been angry, and now he was stared at. He was extremely unhappy. He picked up the spoon and whispered, "Eat!"

Konner and Jennifer quickly lowered their heads, picked up their spoons, and silently ate breakfast.

A few peaceful minutes passed, and Ronian began to ask with a cold face.

"Jennifer, did you see Sherlyn yesterday?"

Jennifer was startled, and she swallowed the sweet toast in her mouth.

"No. When I went over in the afternoon, neither viola nor Sherlyn was in the villa. Ĩ didn't know where they went, so Ĩ came back."


The moment she finished speaking, several breakfast plates on the dining table were pushed to the ground by Ronian.

In the dining room, there were loud and clear sounds.

Konner was so frightened by this sudden outburst that he trembled and his spoon fell.

Jennifer's eyes turned red in an instant, her eyes watery like a frightened little rabbit.

Ronian glared at her and asked in a low voice, "You didn't see her, and you just came back? Why don't you just wait in the Hobson family until you see Sherlyn? what else can you do besides being lazy and goofing off?"

Jennifer was fiercely crying, unable to say a word.

After all, she was his most beloved sister. Ronian restrained his anger and ordered, "I must see Viola and Sherlyn today, otherwise, don't come back to see me."

"Yes, I understand..."

The tears on her little face were obvious, and she seemed to feel more wronged as she thought about it. she gradually cried out, very sad and pitiful.

"Shut up. Don't cry anymore." Ronian remained unmoved.

Jennifer immediately covered her mouth and cut off all sounds. Her chest heaved up and down, her tears still falling uncontrollably.

Ronian ignored her and turned to look at Konner, who was always ignored.

Feeling his second brother's horrible gaze, Konner lowered his head even lower, his heart trembling in fear. He was afraid that Ronian would shoot the messenger.

"Did you go to the National Bureau of Investigation yesterday?" "Well... Ronian, I was very busy at the company yesterday. I told Team Nine that I would go to the civil Department the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow? And you chose the civil Department?"

Ronian's face fell, showing much anger.

If not for the fact that his arms were sore and weak, Ronian would have knocked Konner.

"I told you to go there. You're not enthusiastic at all. Instead, you are enthusiastic about meals, why do 1 need such a useless brother? Kneel down."


Konner looked at the servants and housekeeper in the dining room, angry but afraid.

To kneel in front of everyone? Did Ronian really not care that he would be very embarrassed?

"Kneel down or be beaten up. You must choose one," Ronian said in a cold tone.

There was no need to hesitate.

Konner got up and bent his knees in humiliation next to the dining chair.


On the smooth marble floor tiles, there were small broken porcelain pieces that Ronian had just smashed. They stabbed into Konner's knees, which hurt so much that Konner felt a piercing pain in his heart.


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