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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 413


I couldn’t stop fidgeting even as Gabriel and I followed behind his parents. To be honest, the talk in the office went better than I expected. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t their calmness, or maybe it was the calm before the storm?

I also didn’t understand why Gabriel didn’t tell them that we had been married before. Despite how our marriage ended, it was the most logical thing to do. I didn’t like that he’d kept them in the dark.

“Are you okay?” his voice pulled me back to the present.

I looked up at him only to find his eyes staring intently at me. They were so piercing, it’s like he was reading me down to my soul. Pulling my eyes from him, I focused forward.

“Yes, I’m still a bit nervous, I don’t know why, though” I answered truthfully.

The worst part was already over, so I don’t even know why I was still anxious. Maybe it’s because I was going to be spending the day with his family. Maybe it’s because I could still feel his lingering breath on my skin when he almost kissed me. Hell, maybe it’s because he took the whole blame for our failed relationship.

I didn’t expect that from him. I didn’t expect that he’d actually accept that he’d been the biggest douche bag back then. I was also still in shock at his revelation that back then he would probably never have accepted my pregnancy.

To be honest, I never thought of that. When I’d decided to keep my pregnancy a secret it was because I didn’t like the kind of person he was. I didn’t want my baby around his toxicity. I didn’t want my baby around a man who would willingly hurt his or her mother without a care in the world. To me, Gabriel was the devil incarnate.

Even though those were my thoughts, my reasons, not once did I ever think that he’d reject my pregnancy or ask me to get rid of it. It never once crossed my mind, and maybe it should have.

Trying to push those thoughts away, I fist my hands and focused on the pain as my nails dug into my skin. Everything that was happening, that has been happening since he found me was messing with my head.

Gabriel was a villain. He’s been a villain since he broke my heart and treated me like trash. Now though, I was getting glimpses of a different man, and my mind was confused. Scratch that, I was getting pissed because I couldn’t reconcile the man that he was and the man that I'd been seeing glimpses of. It was fucking with my head and heart and I hated that.

“Harper” he called gently, and I once again looked at him.

Chapter 0413 1


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