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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 415

“He’s married to Ava?” I asked, completely and utterly shocked.

“Yes” he answered, then his eyes narrowed. “Why do you seem so shocked by that news?”

Shrugging, I answered. “Probably because I am.”

And I was. I never once saw this coming. Not one fucking bit. Like I said, Rowan loathed Ava, so how did he end up with her? How the hell did things change so much that he was now all rainbows and shit?

The Rowan I remembered was moody, angry, bitter and had a chip the size of a whole galaxy on his shoulder. He had a constant frown etched on his face and had rarely smiled. All that change happened after he slept with Ava and broke things off with Emma.

This new version of him reminded me of when he was still with Emma. His face used to light up whenever he saw her or was near her. He constantly smiled as if the mere presence of Emma in his life made him happy.

Given all these, you can understand my skepticism that Ava made him this happy. Unless something changed while I was gone. Something huge. Or maybe they just decided to stay together for the sake of their children.

“It’s really not nice to assume things about other people” Gabriel’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned to face. “I wasn’t assuming anything, Gabriel. I just went by what I knew. I’m not saying this to be mean or anything, but it’s hard to imagine Rowan happy with Ava when he clearly hated her and for a long time too. What was I supposed to think? The only possible explanation in my head, given the hatred he had for Ava was that they’d divorced and he’d married Emma”

There was a beat of silence as he just stared at me. It was like he didn’t know what to do with me or how to handle what I had just told him.

When he didn’t speak, I continued. “It’s unfathomable that someone can get from that high degree of hate to pure love. I would say it’s nearly impossible for that to happen. It would take a divine miracle.”

“It’s been years, Harper. People change,” he uttered in a soft voice.

As the words left his mouth, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was talking about Rowan or himself. Instead of dwelling so much on it, I pushed that thought away, not really ready to accept his words.

“So how did they reconcile? Or are they still together because of the kids?” I asked casually and curiously.

“As you thought, they did get a divorce. In fact, it was Ava that asked for one. A few months later, James died and Emma came back for the burial. We all thought that with Emma back it would be a done deal that she and Rowan would get back together. They did, but it didn’t last. None of us, including Rowan, counted on the effect it would have on him when Ava started moving on with another man.”

Chapter 0415 1

Chapter 0415 2

Chapter 0415 3


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