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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 500

Chapter 500 Deliberately Seeking to Upset Me 

I did overlook the terrain, slightly furrowed my brows, and subtly nodded. 

Stanley was busy meeting up with the police, I returned to Walter’s ward, Odin was not there, only Marjorie was sitting by the bed. Seeing me come in, she looked at me and gave a slight smile, but it was clear that her expression was not natural. 

I placed Walter’s phone on the nearby cabinet, glanced at her indifferently. I was not very good at handling interpersonal 

relationships, especially incapable of forcing a smile, so I just gave her a brief look, considering it a courtesy between people. 

Walter still showed no signs of waking up. I felt sorry for him, even more worried, but all I could do now was wait. 

“Ms. Conner, I apologize for earlier,” Marjorie suddenly spoke. 

I paused for a moment, looking up at her. She was looking at me, apologizing, but there was no hint of remorse on her face. “Although you and Mr. Hinton were married before, you are separated now after all. You’re not the closest person to him anymore. Touching his things casually, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen, right?” 

After speaking, perhaps noticing my displeased expression, she forced a smile and said, “Don’t be angry. Look, I’m currently carrying Mr. Hinton’s child and I’m already his fiancée. But I still know my boundaries. I hardly touch his things without his permission. After all, when it comes to relationships, one must know their limits and when to advance or retreat.” 

Listening to his words, I did feel a moment of displeasure at first, but 




then I immediately laughed it off, looking at her and saying, “So, are you telling me how to be a human now?” 

Her face stiffened, and she quickly shook her head, “Of course not, I was just suggesting. If you’re not happy, just pretend I didn’t say anything. You don’t need to take it to heart.” 

Look at the way she talks, so soft and gentle. If you didn’t know better, you’d really think she was a caring older sister. 

I nodded slightly, still wearing a smile, and said, “Ms. Knight, the words have been spoken, and they have already upset someone. Can we pretend you didn’t say anything? According to your logic, does that mean if you kill someone and take back the knife, the wound will instantly heal, as if nothing happened?” 

Although this was said with a laugh, I didn’t find it funny at all. 

Her face stiffened, a few cracks appearing on her beautiful face, she said, “Ms. Conner, are you really angry with me?” 

I nodded, too lazy to even smile, “Hmm, not only am I angry with you, I also quite dislike you.” 

“You…” Her face had completely fallen this time, but this person seemed to habitually package herself as a sensible and polite gentlewoman. Even though she was clearly very angry, she still spoke in a soft and gentle voice, “Ms. Conner, there’s no need for this, is there? I was just speaking casually, and it’s also the truth. If you don’t like to hear it, then let it be. After all, some things are not in 

accordance with etiquette. I don’t mind, but others might secretly say that your upbringing is not good.” 

“Private tutor?” I couldn’t help but snort with laughter, looking at her and saying, “So, me working with the police to investigate a case using Walter’s phone is a result of bad tutoring? You’ve even dragged Officer 

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Lu into this?” 


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