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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 

Grace sat on the chair in a daze when her phone suddenly rang

She looked at the flashing phone number on her phone screen and felt cold all over. She swallowed and answered the call 

with trembling hands

Grace controlled her voice and called out calmly. Hello, Miss Adkins.” 

Grace, are you still in the villa? Have you put everything away?” 

Grace subconsciously tightened her grip on the phone, her knuckles turning white. No, I’m sorry. Something came up at 

the last minute” 

Louise paused for a moment. Oh, I see. What’s the matter? Are you going back later?” 

Im sorry, Miss Adkins. It’s a personal matter.” 

Louise smiled. Alright, we’ll talk about it when you come back.” 

Grace hung up the phone and began to tremble. Louise had called to test me. The man from before must have called her and explained the situation to her, Grace thought

When Brian came out of the office, what he saw was Grace looking like she was

When Nancy saw him walking over, she subconsciously stood up

Brian gestured for her to keep quiet

in a daze

Brian stood in front of Grace. Grace did not even notice. Brian saw that her b*dy was trembling slightly. He reached out and held her fingers

The cold touch made Brian frown. Why is your hand so cold?” 

Grace came back to her senses. She pulled her hand away and stood up. Why are you here?” 

Brian grabbed her wrist. Come to my office.” 

Grace was forced into his office. Grace looked at Brian’s hand and thought about how he must have held hands with Louise, hugged Louise, and even slept with Louise in bed. Grace felt a wave of nausea hit her stomach

She struggled to break free from Brian’s grasp

Brian stared at her in confusion. Grace, what’s wrong with you?” 

Grace rubbed her hands behind her back in disdain

Her actions made Brian’s eyes turn cold. What are you doing?” 

Nothing.Grace said coldly

Brian took a deep breath. He did not want to argue with her. He rubbed his temples and asked in a deep voice, Why are you 

Chapter 104 


Your fiancée asked me to go to your new house to get rid of the formalin. I happened to think of Ms. Patel, so I called her to pick me up.” 

Brian narrowed his eyes and scrutinized Grace for a while. He did not seem to believe her words


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