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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 

Lucas ran over and said apologetically, I’m sorry, Miss Sherman. I didn’t expect to work overtime tonight.” 

She forced her eyelids open and forced a smile. It’s fine. Even if you guys work overtime, I have to work overtime 


Then shall we have dinner together another day?” 

Grace narrowed her eyes and nodded. Okay” 

Grace turned around, picked up her bag, and prepared to take a taxi back to the hotel. As soon as she turned around, she saw Brian

He was alone. Ava was not by his side. He must have returned to the hotel to sleep

He looked energetic, and there was no sign of him when they were filming just now. Grace guessed that he must have hidden somewhere to sleep

Her sleepiness instantly disappeared without a trace

Brian stared coldly into her eyes, as if the abundance of attention he gave wasn’t sufficient, and she was contemplating dating someone else

Grace’s eyes s turned cold. She walked past him and left. She knew that Brian must be the reason why she was working overtime tonight

As for the reason, it was probably because he didn’t want her to have a good rest. After all, as long as she started filming, no matter whose scenes she filmed, he would force her to be present

Grace returned to the hotel and fell asleep after taking a shower

At seven o’clock the next morning, there was a violent knock on the door

Grace opened her eyes. Her eyes were dry and uncomfortable

Grace. Get up quickly. There’s a sunrise scene this morning. Get up quickly.” 

Ava’s sharp voice continued to come from outside the door. She got out of bed in frustration and opened the door with her messy hair

Are you crazy? Who are you to order me around? Do you think I’m you?” 

Grace scolded her

Ava was so angry that she stomped on her feet and pointed at Grace’s nose. Before she could curse, Brian’s cold voice suddenly sounded

She’s my Personal Life Assistant. I’m your immediate superior. Why can’t we wake you up?” 

Grace paused for a moment, then frowned

Personal Life Assistant?Grace was taken aback by the title that Brian assigned to Ava, sparking questions about her new responsibilities and injecting intrigue into her professional role

Chapter 178 

Ava crossed her arms and looked at her arrogantly, Why? Are you not convinced! Hurry up and get up

Grace looked at Ava and then at Brian. Where’s Ms. Patel 

Ava sneered. She could even make a mistake in booking a plane ticket. Of course she packed up and left” 

Grace was stunned for two seconds before she suddenly looked at Ava coldly. It better be like this

Grace slammed the door shut

She picked up her phone, opened Nancy’s WhatsApp. glanced at the time, and felt it was too early to message her now, afraid of disturbing her

She opened Nancy’s WhatsApp Status

She realized that she had posted a message on her Status last week, stated Goodbye


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