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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 

He narrowed his angry eyes at her and repeated, “I told you to get out!” 

Ava was a liule seared, but she still mustered her courage and said, If you look for her on, I’ll tell my sister about this!” 

Brian stood up and slowly walked toward her. With every step he took, the angry vibe he was giving off seemed to become more terrifying

Ava, I’m warning you. I haven’t gotten even with you yet. Stop threatening me!” 

Ava was so frightened that she took a step back. Whatwhat do you mean?” 

Do you really think I don’t know that you framed Nancy?” 

Ava said in a panic, IDon’t, don’t listen to Grace’s nonsense! She just can’t stand me being your personal secretary, so she’s spouting nonsense!” 

The corners of Brian’s mouth twitched, and a gloomy smile appeared on his face. I know what the truth is. If you dare to tell me what to do again, there will be severe consequences. Now get out of the company!” 

He almost shouted the last half of his sentence. Ava was so frightened that she trembled violently

Get out!” 

Ava was so terrified that she did not dare to speak anymore. Aggrieved, she wiped her tears and ran out

Ava ran out of the company in one breath. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. How dare Grace sow discord between me and Brian? Damn her! I’ll make her pay for what she has done!‘ 

Ava unlocked her phone, scrolled to the last page, and clicked on a small icon

The software entered a map page. The red mark on the page showed that the other party was at a place called the Ethnic Hotel

Ava sneered. Grace, no matter whose baby you’re pregnant with, you won’t get to deliver it!” 

The people sent out by Brian had finally got some news

However, they only figured out the direction Grace had gone to. She had switch not locate her location

Brian could only send his men to search town by town in the direction Grace went

Justin had booked two rooms, which were next to each other

her phone, and they could 

It had to be said that with Justin by her side, Grace felt much more at ease and slept more soundly

After washing up in the morning. Justin took her to a bakery outside the hotel for breakfast

She was still wearing a veil when she went out

The two of them sat on the sofa inside. Justin said to her, We can’t stay here for too long. I don’t have much cash 



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Chapter 193 

on me. I’ll easily be discovered if I use my phone to pay. As long as Brian realizes to investigate me, he will quickly find this place.” 

Grace nodded. Then, let’s leave after breakfast. But where should we go


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