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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 

I don’t like small dogs. They’re noisy. German Shepherds are loyal and obedient. They make me feel safe 

Justin smiled gently, paid, and carried the dog out of the market with Grace

The little German Shepherd had a lively personality and adapted quickly to its new home. It sniffed here and there and quickly adapted to the new environment

Grace teased it and fed it milk. The dog didn’t seem to be very interested in milk, but it was very interested in the strawberries the two had just bought. Its little nose was very sharp, and it kept sniffing the strawberry bag on the 

coffee table

Grace took one and fed it. The puppy at the strawberry as if it had smelled meat

Grace patted its head. So you like strawberries?” 

The little German Shepherd tilted its head and looked at her again as if it was waiting for her to feed it. Grace could not help but laugh. You do know how to enjoy yourself!” 

The furniture in the house had been replaced. Justin looked at Grace and felt a sense of satisfaction

Justin, why don’t you give her a name?Grace suddenly looked up at him

Justin thought for a while. In the end, he smiled and said, It’s better if you choose a name. I don’t know what to name her

Grace thought for a moment. Since she likes to eat strawberries so much, why don’t we call her Strawberry?” 

The German Shepherd was very smart. It had already memorized Grace’s words. Now that it heard Grace say the word strawberry, its ears twitched and it looked at Grace with its big eyes. It tilted its furry head, looking incredibly 

Looks like you like this name. I’ll call you Strawberry from now on!” 

At this moment, Justin’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and frowned slightly. He walked to the side to answer the call

Grace noticed his expression and turned to look at him. She heard Justin say indifferently. What’s the matter?” 

It was unknown what the one on the other end of the line had said, but Justinssion changed drastically. When did this happen?” 

Grace had a bad feeling in her heart. She stood up and looked at him

Justin turned his head to look at Grace. His gaze was very heavy as he said into the phone, Okay, I’ll be right back.” 

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Grace and wanted to say something but hesitated

Grace smiled. Your family needs you for something urgent, right? You should go back quickly. I’m fine.” 

Justin looked at her and frowned worriedly. I’m sorry, my grandfather is critically ill.” 

Grace’s eyes arrowed slightly. She recalled Justin’s attitude toward the Vance family at the banquet at that time



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Chapter 196 

His grandfather, who was very important to Justin, was the only Vance family member he respected

Grace hurriedly said. Then go back quickly. I can do it alone.” 

Justin took out his phone and bought a ticket. He would set off that night, and the train would arrive at his destination the next morning


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