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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 216

"I want you to deliver them!" Brian stared at Grace relentlessly.

Grace slammed her palm on the cashier counter. "Brian Francis, are you done?"

Brian stared at her face hard. "You have to give me an explanation."

He raised his hand and glanced at his wristwatch. "Let's have dinner and talk."

Grace took a deep breath. She knew Brian would stay here all day if she did not go out with him.

"Okay, let's go."

Tina looked at her worriedly. "Miss Grace, are you going out with him?"

Grace comforted her. "I'm fine. Please take care of the shop."

"Alright." Tina pursed her lips and glared at Brian. A man that even a nice person like Grace hated couldn't be a nice man!

Grace walked out, and Brian grabbed her hand.

Her hand was still warm and dry. Her gaze fell on their intertwined hands, and her heart skipped a few beats.

Brian pulled Grace to his car and opened the passenger door for her.

Grace stooped into the car and sat down, holding her belly.

Brian's gaze landed on her belly, and his vision darkened.

Brian walked around the front of the car and got in.

Grace grabbed the handrail as soon as she got into the car. She knew Brian had a habit of slamming on the accelerators to start the car when he was in a bad mood.

However, he did not this time. Instead, he started the car steadily. Even when he stepped on the brake at the red light on the road, he was so light that she could hardly feel it.

Brian drove aimlessly on the street. He stopped the car when he saw a more expensive restaurant.

Grace opened the car door and walked in front.


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