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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

Melvin Duncan, perhaps having Miss Adkins make the call might be better. The way you put it seems to imply that his absence is somehow my fault, Grace Sherman remarked, finding Melvin’s perception of her Influence somewhat. overstated. She chuckled selfdeprecatingly

Isn’t it because of you? That night, he argued with you, and the next morning, he called you. You managed to upset him again. Just think about it: Mr. Brian rarely loses his temper with anyone. It’s only you… 

Grace interjected, Melvin, please stop. His absence couldn’t possibly be because of me. Bealdes, I haven’t been home these past few days, so even if he were to return, he wouldn’t find me there. Please don’t worry about It.” 

After saying this, she ended the call abruptly

However, despite everything, her mind couldn’t settle down, and she wondered, Brian didn’t return home, nor did he go to see Louise Adkins. So, where did he go

Did he spend the whole day sleeping at the company?” 

At Francis Group 

Brian did indeed stay at the company. Firstly, it was due to the recent workload piling up. The project with the Summit Sphere Group was about to kick off, and as it was a significant project, he oversaw its progress

Secondly, he didn’t find it appealing to return because he realized no one was home. In fact, on the second day after Grace left, he returned home

In the dead of night, the entire villa felt eerily vacant. The living room engulfed in complete darkness made him suddenly uncomfortable, a peculiar sense of restlessness creeping into his mind

Suddenly, he remembered how, over the past two years, Grace would wait for him no matter how late it got. But now, coming back to an empty house, the sudden dislike he felt made him anxious

It’s not a good habit,he thought. Grace has less than three months left before leaving. I need to break this habit

No, without Grace, there’s Louise. I’ll spend my life with Louise from now on, and this home won’t feel desolate

That very night, he departed

Brian received a phone call from Louise, who softly and tenderly confided her longing for him

Brian, I heard from Melvin that you haven’t been home these days. Is that true?” 

Yeah, the company has been quite busy these days, so I haven’t gone back,Brian said in a detached tone over the phone while smoking

Brian, it hurts to see you working so hard. Is there anything I can do to help you?” 

It’s okay, once I’m done with this busy period, I’ll come to pick you up.Brian listened to her sweet voice, yet inside, he remained calm without much emotion

Listening to his calm and indifferent voice, Louise suddenly felt something was amiss

Chapter 26 


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It’s been five days since she left, yet his voice sounded indifferent

Could it be that over these five days, he hasn’t missed me at all?she thought

She sensed a hint of danger

But since Brian had already said so, she couldn’t press him further to come pick her up; it would make her seem too desperate

After hanging up the phone, Louise pondered momentarily and sought help from Marshall Adkins in the study

DadLouise called out sweetly

Louise, you’re here.Marshall immediately set aside his work upon seeing her and smiled warmly. What brings you to me, dear?” 

Dad, the other day when Brian dropped me off, we didn’t get a chance to have a meal together. Since our families have been in a marital alliance for some time, we haven’t officially shared a meal. Would you consider taking some time to invite Brian for a meal? We could also discuss potential project collaborations. What do you think?Louise sat beside him, linking her arm with his, speaking sweetly

Marshall felt that his daughter was quite perfect, contemplating everything. He also found her earlier suggestion quite reasonable

Therefore, he immediately agreed, My daughter is thoughtful. So, when do you think would be suitable?” 

*Instead of picking a day, why not just do it today?she replied

Alright, then Dad will call Brian right away 

Louise smiled with satisfaction. Marshall was an elder figure, and Brian wouldn’t easily refuse his request

She waited in the study for her father to make the call. When she heard that Brian agreed, she left the room contentedly

The dinner will be held at the Serenity Palace Hotel

All the members of the Adkins family had gathered, and even Ava Adkins had returned home

Ava was still attending college; this was the first time she had seen Louise since returning

Why did a sister suddenly appear out of nowhere? And now, my father is trying to arrange for her to marry Brian Francis

On what grounds?Ava thought

When Louise walked in, her entire expression fell

Louise could sense Ava’s hostility toward her but ignored it. She confidently walked over and sat beside her

Ava, I’m your sister, but you can call me Louise directly,” she said

Ava showed no courtesy at all, pushing aside the gift she had been given

Louise paused briefly, maintaining her graceful smile, and goodnaturedly picked up the item from the floor

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Chapter 26 

You little rascal, she’s your sister! Do you know how much she suffered outside all these years?Marshall Adkins slammed the table in anger

Why does she get to marry Brian? Why? I’m your daughter, too! How could you only think about her and not me?Ava was furious, her temper flaring. Because Louise, her father, was so harsh to her, she yelled in frustration, feeling utterly indignant

Marshall was fuming, his face red with anger, and he stood up, looking like he was about to go over and hit her


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