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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Melvin Duncan recounted the incident to Grace Sherman

After Grace listened, a sudden pang gripped her heart, indicating that Louise Adkins suspected her identity

After expressing gratitude to Melvin, Grace returned to her room

Not long after, there was a sudden knock on the door. Thinking it might be Melvin, Grace opened the door

Upon seeing the figure standing at the door, Grace was taken aback. How did you come back?” 

What’s wrong? This is my home. Why wouldn’t I come back?Brian Francis expressed displeasure at her reaction

Grace parted her lips as if to speak, contemplating her words, but in the end, she merely replied with an Oh.Seeing him still standing at the doorway, she inquired, Is there something you need?” 

The man stared at her face for a few seconds. Not having seen her for five days, she seemed to have a better complexion than before, with a bit more flesh on her face, suggesting she hadn’t been doing much physical work at her brother’s place

Nothing much, just asking about your brother’s health, he replied

Grace paused momentarily, then chuckled, Mr. Brian, this is the first time you’ve shown concern for my brother’s health.” 

What? Are you implying that I don’t care enough about your family?Brian’s expression darkened

No, how could I dare? Thanks to you, my brother is doing fine. Right now, I hope that our contract, as promised, ends on time. That way, my brother’s health could start getting better.” 

Upon hearing her mention the contract, Brian felt an inexplicable sense of annoyance weighing on his mind

However, Grace didn’t provide him with further opportunities for trouble. She issued a dismissal, It’s alright, I’ll rest for now. Goodbye.” 

She promptly shut the door

Suddenly, Brian felt a surge of suppressed anger

What’s with this woman’s attitude?he pondered

Thinking about how he dropped his work and rushed back upon receiving Melvin’s call, only to face her cold gaze, he felt foolish about his actions

Brian, infuriated, forcefully pounded on her door. Grace, come out!” 

Grace impatiently swung the door open. What’s wrong now?” 

Are you irritated?Brain remarked

No, do you have something to say? Please say it all at once,” she replied

Adjust your attitude, Grace. Do you still want the money?” 

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Chapter 28 

Upon hearing his threatening words, Grace immediately composed herself but silently cursed him in her heart

Come with me to the study,he demanded

Grace, resembling a robot, obediently followed behind him, entering the study

The man sat at the desk, turned on the computer, and started typing away. Grace sat nearby, casually picking up a book to pass the time

Brian’s gaze fell upon her, pausing until her flipping through the book startled him, causing him to withdraw his attention abruptly

The mouse moved across the desktop a few times, and shortly after, several sheets of paper emerged from the printer

Grace set down the book she was holding and looked towards him

*The divorce agreement, take a look first,” Brian said, walking over and handing her the sheets of paper

Grace’s heart was stabbed with sudden pain upon hearing this 

She slowly extended her hand and took the divorce agreement. Though merely a few light sheets of paper, it felt as if the weight of it made it impossible for her to lift her hand

It was better; she could get used to this feeling in advance. When the day came to leave, it wouldn’t hurt anymore

Suppressing the heartache within her, Grace earnestly read through the words on the document

In addition to the 600 thousand dollars, the agreement also included a gift of a set of commercial property and a residential property for her. 

She wouldn’t have accepted the house in the past, but things were different now. Considering her future of raising a child alone, having a place to live meant she wouldn’t have to worry about accommodation issues

Grace bowed her head low as Brian towered over her, yet he couldn’t discern her expression

Seeing her not lifting her head for a while, Brian sarcastically remarked, What’s this? Do you have any objections to this divorce agreement? If you have any, feel free to voice them now.” 

No objections,she murmured

For some reason, Brian felt her voice was ethereal, almost elusive and intangible

Mr. Brian, you’re so generous. Apart from the 600 thousand dollars, you’ve also given me two property sets. I’m overjoyed. and ready to sign right away.” 

After speaking, she stood up, retrieved a pen from the desk, and meticulously signed her name. Her handwriting was neat, yet it took almost all of her strength to do so

Is it done?she asked

Brian looked into her eyes and suddenly felt regretful for his actions, Subconsciously ignoring emotions he shouldn’t have, he sarcastically remarked, I thought you were so dignified. Back then, when I gave you bags and jewelry, you never used them. Now it seems it was all an act.” 

Chapter 20 

He initially assumed that, given her personality, she wouldn’t accept the houses. Proudly turning away, he expected her to decline. However, her response caught him off guard

It turns out he had been mistaken in belleving that he truly understood her

Grace suppressed her heartache and smiled, saying, You’re right. Since it’s a gift from Mr. Brian, there shouldn’t be a reason to take it back, right?” 

Brian’s lips curved into a mocking smirk. We’ll see about your performance.” 

He slammed the door and stormed off, leaving Grace exhaustedly slumped onto the chair. 

In the afternoon

Louise Adkins returned, and as soon as she stepped in, she noticed Grace’s shoes by the door. She glanced around and spotted Melvin Duncan. Has Grace returned?” 

Yes, Miss Adkins. She just returned today,” he replied


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