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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

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Seeing Grace’s clumsiness, Brian was so anxious that he stepped forward and snatched the gauze from her hand

Grace reflexively stood up

What are you putting on a brave face for?Brian looked at her with a frown

Brian, your fiancee will be sad when she sees you’ve come here to show your concern for me, right?A sneer tugged at Grace’s mouth, looking at him indifferently

Brian’s expression was cold. Louise isn’t that petty.” 

Grace laughed. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she laughed

You’re right. It’s me who is petty! I see you spoil her in every way, but treat me coldly, and I’m jealous! I don’t expect you to be nice to me, so please leave! No matter what injuries I suffer in the future, please don’t be bothered with me again!” 

You ungrateful woman!Brian’s temples throbbed in anger. He threw the door open and left

Grace went limp and collapsed on the bed

She didn’t know why, but she wanted nothing more than to cry. She tried to restrain herself, but as soon as she restrained herself, she couldn’t help but tremble all over

Grace bit her arm hard so that she wouldn’t cry. She bit a deep tooth mark on her arm, but she didn’t feel any pain

When Grace woke up the next day, Grace felt a splitting headache. When she looked at the time, it was already nine o’clock

She struggled to get up from the bed and touched her forehead lightly. It felt as if the wound was somewhat inflamed

No, I have to go to the hospital, Grace thought

Grace changed her clothes and went out. She didn’t plan to go to Justin. If Brian had known, Grace wouldn’t have known 

what he would do

Grace planned to take a taxi to the nearest clinic to treat her wound. After she hailed a taxi halfway through, they were stopped by the traffic police. The driver had no license, and the car was towed. Grace didn’t expect herself to be so unlucky that there was a problem even when she took a taxi

She stood on the side of the road, ready to hail another taxi

Just then, a white Land Rover pulled up in front of her

The man in the car pushed open the door and got out of the vehicle. His gentle face was full of anxiousness. Grace! It’s really you! Is something wrong?” 

Grace saw Justin and subconsciously took a step back. I’m fine.” 

Justin’s gaze turned solemn as he watched her actions.. 

Justin could tell she was keeping her distance from him

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Chapter 38 

Is it because of that man that day?Justin thought


*UXN 40% 20:15 

Justin couldn’t stop his thoughts. What is the relationship between Grace and that man? The injury on her head is probably also related to that man, right?Justin thought


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