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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Those words made Ava feel better. At least you know your place. Hurry, give me food. I’m hungry!” 

Grace could only put down the medicine in her hand and go to the kitchen to make breakfast

There had been a maid who made breakfast in the kitchen but was chased out by Ava, who wanted Grace specifically to make breakfast 

Grace made breakfast and waited for Ava to finish it before changing the dressing

The blood on the wound had dried up, and the gauze was stuck to the scalp. Grace carefully changed the gauze, but she was not a professional after all. In the end, her wound was torn open, and it bled

After bandaging her wound, Grace hurriedly ate breakfast. Ava was already calling for her in the courtyard at the top of her lungs

Grace walked over. Ava was standing under a parasol and pointing at the bushes in the garden. Go trim all those for me!” 

When Melvin saw that, he quickly ran over and said, Miss Adkins, I’ve always been the one to trim the bushes. Moreover, this requires a certain level of skills. If Grace doesn’t do a good job, she will be scolded by Mr. Brian when he comes back!” 

Ava looked at Grace contemptuously. Can’t she learn if she doesn’t know how to do it? Who was born with the skills to do It? Are you going to trim the bushes?” 

Miss Adkins, I’m afraid it will take time to learn this. The villa is planted with expensive trees. I can’t afford to compensate if they’re damaged.” 

It’s your business that you can’t afford to compensate!Ava approached Grace arrogantly and grabbed her arm, Are you going to trim them? Can’t I order you to do things?” 

Grace took a step back. She was afraid that Ava would argue with her and hurt her child. In the end, she could only agree. Okay, I’ll trim them.” 

Only then was Ava satisfied, but she did not leave. Instead, she stayed under the paras 

id watched Grace work

Louise woke up very late. When she went downstairs to take a look, she saw the scene of Ava ordering Grace about as expected

Louise leisurely brewed a cup of coffee and sat in the courtyard to enjoy the cool breeze

It was already eleven o’clock in the morning. The temperature was getting higher and higher. The gauze that Grace had just changed was already drenched in sweat after standing under the sun for half an hour. Sweat soaked the wound, and the 

wound burned

Ava narrowed her eyes and looked at Grace for a while. She raised her chin arrogantly and said to Louise, Louise, a maid has to be taught this way. Look at the way she works. I’m afraid that before you came, she was just doing nothing!” 

Louise stirred the coffee in her cup and looked at Grace thoughtfully

Grace stood under the sun. She was dizzy from the sun, and her b*dy was swaying

Chapter 45 

Melvin was afraid that something would happen to Grace, so he got some medicine from the first aid kit for Grace

Grace took the medicine and thanked Melvin. However, she didn’t dare to take it. After all, she was pregnant, and she had no idea if the medicine would affect the child


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