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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Grace had already bled a little when she changed the dressing yesterday and had sweated a lot afterward. The gauze was already stuck to Grace’s wound

When Louise ripped off the dressing, it resulted in Grace’s skin being torn off as well. Grace’s forehead was dripping with blood. She bled even more than when she was first injured

When Louise saw the bright red blood flowing down Grace’s cheek, a trace of excitement flashed across her eyes. placed her fingers on Grace’s forehead and quickly flicked the white powder under her nails onto Grace’s wound

“Oh my, I’m sorry, Grace. It has been two days since this wound occurred. Why is it still bleeding?” 


Grace looked at Louise’s innocent expression and took a deep breath. She knew that Louise was already suspecting her Identity. Otherwise, she would not treat her this way

When Melvin saw the situation here, he was shocked and immediately ran over to ask, What’s going on? Why is your wound bleeding again?” 

Grace shook her head and told Melvin not to worry about her. If Melvin showed too much concern for her, it would also make Louise suspicious

Grace quietly tended to her wound. Louise said slowly. Since you want to do it yourself, I won’t help you then.” 

Grace bandaged the wound and started to busy herself with this and that. She didn’t have any rest until lunchtime

For some reason, she felt an unusual pain in her forehead today. She wondered if it was because the wound had bled again 

that morning

After dinner, she lay on the table and fell into a deep sleep

In the afternoon, Grace felt weak all over, but Ava kept clamoring for her to clean the rooms upstairs. Grace could only endure the soreness and go to work

After a busy day, Grace finally fell into a deep sleep in bed

The next day, Grace was woken up by noises. Something seemed to have happened outside. All the maids were standing in the living room

Grace got up from the bed. She felt lightheaded and almost fell to the ground

Ava’s sharp voice sounded from outside. Grace! Why isn’t she here yet? Hurry, call her over now!” 

Grace heard the sound, opened the door, and slowly walked out

Her face was so pale that it looked like she would collapse at any moment

As soon as Grace came out, she saw all the maids standing in the living room. She asked, What’s the matter?” 

Ava ordered, Stand over here!” 

Grace walked over and stood at the side

Chapter 49 


100% 13:15 

My sister lost two pieces of jewelry last night, and no outsiders came to our house. I suspect that one of you maids has 


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