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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

Pay more attention these few days. Try not to let her suffer any stimulation. If possible, you should bring her family over.” 

Justin frowned

What happened?” 

Apart from the fact that she lives in Cloudsea Villa, I know nothing else.” 

*Cloudsea Villa? That’s a wealthy district. Grace said that her family has been very poor since she was young.” 

Justin wanted to say something, but in the end, he paused and stopped talking

*I’ll show her around when she wakes up.” 


Grace woke up after sleeping for an hour. When she opened her eyes, she saw Justin in the room. She said awkwardly, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was asleep.” 

Never mind. Maybe you didn’t rest well last night.Justin smiled

Then can we go back now?” 

It’s not good for your health to stay at home all day. Pregnant women have to go out and exercise more. It’s good for the fetus.” 


A smile appeared on Justin’s gentle face. Let’s go.” 

Justin took her wrist and led her to the car without any explanation. They drove all the way to a park

For her safety, he rented a bicycle for two. Grace sat in the back with him in the front

Justin spoke to her as he rode the bike

Grace answered him absentmindedly. Justin was very worried about her and found a shady place to park

Grace was looking at a couple leaning against the river in a daze

Justin rode the bicycle back and brought her to a different place


Justin seemed to come here often. The children liked him very much. As soon as he arrived, the children surrounded him and asked what gift he had brought for them

Justin said apologetically to the children, I’m here with a friend today. I’ll definitely bring gifts for everyone next time, okay?” 

Chapter 56 

Grace looked at the innocent smiling faces and finally revealed a longlost smile

A little boy jumped in front of her and shook her hand. Miss Grace, play games with us!” 

Justin walked over and ruffled his hair. Little Carrot, Miss Grace is pregnant. She can’t play games with you.” 

I’m fine.Grace smiled at the little boy. What game do you guys want to play? I’ll accompany you.” 

Justin sat on the chair and looked at Grace, who was quickly playing with the children on the field. His lips curled into al gentle smile

It was not until five in the afternoon when the children had dinner that Grace reluctantly went back

In the car, Justin could see her reluctance. As he drove, he said, If you want to come, I’ll come with you in the future.” 

Alright.A smile appeared on Grace’s face, but her smile gradually froze


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