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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 


100% 13:18 

At the Francis estate

Ever since Grace left, Ava vented all her anger on the maids as the one she loved to bully was not around. Louise was also in a bad mood. Although Grace was not around, she did not know Grace’s exact whereabouts, which made her feel even more threatened

Louise felt even more annoyed when she saw Ava always make a fuss at home

Therefore, during the day, Louise decided to bring lunch to Brian. She wanted to stay with Brian in the company

Noticing that Louise was planning to see Brian, Ava racketed about going with her

Louise smiled and said, Ava, I’m about to bring lunch to your brotherinlaw. Why are you following me?” 

She deliberately emphasized the word brotherinlaw.” Ava was itching to go with Louise when she heard Louise say so. I’ve never been to Brian’s company. Why can’t I go there? What’s the big deal? Besides, you’re not married to him yet. It’s inappropriate for you to say he’s my brotherinlaw. What do you think?” 

Louise gritted her teeth and scolded Ava for being an idiot in her heart. Ava was still dreaming that she could be with Brian

Fine. If you want to go with me, then do it.Louise did not bother to waste more words with Ava. Since Ava wanted to be there, she could face the reality herself

It was still carl 

early when Louise arrived. Brian was still in a meeting. Louise and Ava were arranged to wait in the lounge

A female employee brought them coffee. Louise looked up at her and asked casually, Where’s Ms. Patel?” 

The female employee explained, Ms. Patel was arranged to go on a business trip.” 

Louise narrowed her eyes slightly. A business trip? The personal secretary is on a business trip alone? Are you sure?” 

Nancy was Brian’s personal secretary. She was in charge of daily problems of Brian in the company. How could she go on a business trip alone

Miss Adkins, about thisI’m not too sure either. You should ask Mr. Francis.” 

Louise picked up her coffee and took a sip. Alright, I see. You can leave now.” 

The more Louise thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. Nancy was on a business trip alone, and Grace was on leave. She wondered if these two things were related

Maybe Brian has arranged these two things on purpose? Then where are they, and what are they doing?Louise thought

As she was thinking, Camren knocked on the door. Miss Adkins, Mr. Francis has finished his meeting.” 

Louise smiled and put down her coffee cup. She carried the lunch box and went to Brian’s office

Ava followed her in

Louise sashayed over to him and opened the lunch box. Brian, I cooked for you today.” 

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Chapter 64 

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Brian loosened his tie and sat down on a chair. “You don’t have to do this. The canteen in the company is also nutritious.” 

Louise hugged his neck, playing cute, How can that compare to what I made for you? Everything I made contains my love for you.” 


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