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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Brian reached out to pull Grace away with one hand, but Grace grabbed Brian’s wrist tightly

*Ms. Patel was sent out by you because I was going on a trip. In the end, she lost her job because of that. I’ll feel guilty for the rest of my life! Brian, don’t fire her, okay?Grace said

What does your guilt have to do with me?Brian asked

Grace looked at Brian in disbelief. Brian, how could you be so heartless?” 

Brian’s indifference shocked Grace. Grace thought that if Brian knew about Grace’s pregnancy, Brian would be even colder to Grace than he was now

Brian looked into Grace’s eyes and saw the pain in Grace’s eyes. Brian pressed the corner of his eyebrows hard, feeling helpless. Have a good rest, and don’t be a busyb*dy.” 

Brian wrenched his wrist out of Grace’s grip finger by finger. Grace panicked. When Brian came to Grace’s last finger on his wrist, Grace suddenly hugged Brian’s waist tightly. 

Grace didn’t care. Grace had to help Nancy stay. Nancy had helped Grace hide Grace’s pregnancy, so Grace couldn’t let Nancy lose her job because of Grace


However, Brian seemed to be unmoved no matter what method Grace tried. Grace really did not know what to do. C sudden impulse, Grace threw herself forward and hugged Brian

Brian’s b*dy stiffened, and so did Grace. In the next second, Grace again did not know what to do

Let go,Brian demanded in a cold voice

The scene of Louise acting coquettishly to Brian came to Grace’s mind. Grace gritted her teeth and tried to talk like Louise. I’ll be very sad if you fire Ms. Patel. YouYou don’t want my depression to worsen and turn me into a madwoman in the remaining month, right?Grace asked

What Grace had just said made Grace’s toes curl

Brian’s heart skipped a beat. For a moment, Brian had an inexplicable urge

Then Brian seemed to take a deep breath and jerked his hand away from Grace. Brian turned around and looked at Grace 

with a meaningful gaze in Brian’s dark eyes

You can take some medicine if you suffer depression. I’ll get a doctor for you tomorrow,Brian said

Grace’s face stiffened. Huh? But I don’t need to see a doctor,” Grace replied

Brian raised his eyebrows and looked at Grace. Didn’t you say that seeing Ms. Patel lose her job would worsen your depression? Since you’re sick, you should see a doctor.” 

Grace bit her lip. No need. I already have a psychiatrist.” 

Brian narrowed his eyes and asked, Who?” 

Chapter 74 


100% 13:19 

Dr. Flores and she was the one who suggested that I go on a trip, Grace answered

Brian remembered that the day before Grace went on a trip, someone called to tell her that Grace had gone out

That was the first time Grace had gone out since Grace moved here. Although Brian agreed that Grace moved out, Brian had sent someone to keep an eye on her

Brian nodded slightly and turned to leave

The moment the door was closed, Grace realized that she had let Brian change the topic

Just like that, Grace failed in her attempt to help Nancy keep the job

Grace sat on the chair dispiritedly. After thinking for a while, Grace took out her cell phone and called Brian


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