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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 

However, Grace was still unwilling to tell Angie so much about her private life

Angle could only tell Grace to maintain Grace’s current state and try to stay where Grace lived now

As Grace and Angie talked to each other, the door was suddenly pushed open

At the same time, a gentle voice sounded. Angle,” 

Grace’s b*dy stiffened. She quickly lowered her head and took out her mask to cover the wounds on her face

Angie looked up and saw Justin standing at the door with a basket of fruits in his hand

When Justin recognized that petite figure standing next to Angie, he was delighted and strode over

Grace!Justin called out

Grace lowered her eyes and then looked up at Justin. She put on a halfsmile

Justin said in surprise, You’re finally here! I’ve been coming here every day for the past few days. Do you know how worried I was about you?” 

Grace took a small step back and kept a distance from Justin. Thank you for your concern, Dr. Vance. I’ve been doing very well recently,” Grace replied

Justin reached out and held Grace’s arm. He bent down to look into Grace’s face, not believing what Grace had just said. Really? Brian didn’t make things difficult for you?he asked

Suddenly, Grace gasped softly in pain

Justin’s eyes narrowed as he asked, Are you okay?” 

Justin’s gaze fell on Grace and lingered on her arm. He suddenly raised his hand and flipped up Grace’s sleeve

Justin found Grace’s arm battered. After a day’s rest, Grace actually had more bruises

Justin’s gaze suddenly turned cold as he stared straight into Grace’s eyes

What’s going on? Where did you get all those?” 

Grace gently pulled her arm away from Justin and said, It was just a small accident. Dr. Vance, there’s no need to make 

such a fuss.” 

Justin stared into Grace’s face with his cold eyes. He did not believe her at all

Did Brian do that to you?Justin asked

Grace immediately shook her head. Of course not.” 

Justin exhaled deeply. You’re still defending Brian even now! If it weren’t for him, would you still have suffered so much?” 

100% 13:20 

Chapter 76 

When Angie saw that Justin was getting too emotional, she could not help but pull Justin away. Justin, aren’t you being a little too concerned about Grace?asked Angie

Justin said coldly, Angle, it’s none of your business.” 

Angie’s heart sank as she thought, Justin actually used such a cold tone to speak to me just because of Grace! Can’t he tell that Grace’s background is very complicated? Can’t he tell that Grace is very likely to have been married? Moreover, she is pregnant!‘ 

Angie felt that she barely knew Justin anymore. Angie had always thought that Justin was the kind of man who was gentle to everyone


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