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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

Louise took a deep breath and looked at Brian coldly 

So, are you saying that you must let Ava get out?” 

Brian confirmed in a low voice, Yes!” 

Louise’s ch*st heaved up and down violently. She stared at Brian angrily and said, Fine! Ava, let’s go!” 

Brian frowned and quickly grabbed her wrist. Louise, what are you doing?” 

Louise smiled and replied, Ava is my sister. Since you want to chase her away, that means you don’t even care about my feelings. In that case, I’ll leave with her.” 

She looked at him with grief and indignation. Her eyes were filled with grievance and stubbornness 

Brian frowned fiercely and pulled her back forcefully. He pressed his temples and explained helplessly. Louise, I didn’t mean that. It’s just that Ava’s actions are really infuriating” 

Louise nodded and commented, I know. Aren’t you just saying that Ava is insensible and lacks discipline? Then I bring her back to the Adkins family. I’ll discipline her myself. Can’t I?” 

Brian gritted his teeth and stared at her for a long time. In the end, he compromised

Alright, let her stay here then. But from now on, she’s not allowed to cause trouble again.” 

Louise pursed her lips and lowered her eyes to hide the gloominess in them

Not allowed to cause trouble

He meant not allowed to do anything to Grace

Brian glanced at his watch before saying, Alright, it’s already very late. Let’s go back and sleep first” 

Everyone returned to their rooms

Ava also wiped her tears and returned to her room. Louise glanced in the direction of Grace’s room and then back at Brian 

She reached out and held Brian’s arm

Brian, talk to me for a while.” 

Brian nodded and glanced toward Grace’s room before going upstairs with Louise

Louise pulled him into her room and closed the door. Her face was filled with grievance

With tears in her eyes, she complained aggrievedly, Brian, why did you look for Grace in the middle of the night?” 

Brian was taken aback by her sudden tears. He pursed his lips and said calmly, Louise, don’t misunderstand. I’m just too tired and couldn’t fall asleep. I wanted to go to the hot spring for a while. The hot spring is connected to the wine cellar and Grace fainted in the hot spring.” 


Chapter 90 

Louise paused. The hot spring?” 


98% 13:24 

Brian nodded slightly before continuing, Yes, the hot spring is not often used. I haven’t brought you there yet.” 


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