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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218

“Didn’t Jenica go to find you? A few days ago, she said she was going to stay at your place for a few days. Didn’t you know?” Aldo was shocked.

Elaina was stunned. Jenica had never told her about this.

“You had an accident days before. After you came back, Jenica said that she would stay with you for days. At that time, you had just experienced an earthquake. I thought that you indeed needed company, so I let her go,” Aldo continued.

Elaina did not answer. She remembered that Jenica had called her to show concern for her, but did not come to see her. At that time, she thought that Jenica was busy, but now it seemed that it was

not the case.

Aldo was anxious since Elaina didn’t reply. “What happened? Didn’t Jenica go to find you?”

“No, she called me before, but she did not come to see me. I always thought that she was busy and did not ask.” Elaina thought, Jenica told her father that she came to be with me? That’s totally a lie!

This time, Aldo was really anxious. He immediately took out his phone and dialed Jenica’s number.

However, the mechanical female voice made his heart sink. “Her phone is off.

“She didn’t come to find you. Where will she go?” Aldo was a little flustered, worried that something had happened to Jenica.

Seeing this, Elaina could only comfort him, “Mr. Gansburg, don’t worry. Maybe she is just busy and her phone is off.”

“But why did she lie to me?” Jenica didn’t stay with Elaina, but Jenica told Aldo that she did.

Elaina could not figure out the reason for this. She was silent for a moment and suddenly thought of Jenica’s boyfriend who Elaina had never met.

To be precise, that was not Jenica’s boyfriend since Jenica once said that the man never admitted

their relationship as a couple.


Thinking of this, Elaina had to ask Aldo, “Jenica seems to have fallen in love with a man. Do you


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