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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Elaina left in a hurry before she could tell Jalen. So when Jalen didn’t see Elaina, he called her and got to know things about Jenica.

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll send someone to look for Jenica immediately,” Jalen said to Elaina on

the phone.

“Thank you,” Elaina thanked Jalen. She believed that if Jalen was willing to help, Jenica could be

found in a shorter time.

After hanging up the phone, Jalen immediately ordered Graham to go and look for Jenica. Jalen seemed to feel that this was not enough and called Quincy.

“Help me find someone,” Jalen said directly after the call connected.

“Who is it?”

Quincy on the other side of the line said in a faint tone. Jalen did not know what Quincy was doing and at this time, Jalen did not have time to ask more. So Jalen just told Quincy the specific

information about Jenica.

Unexpectedly, Quincy did not say anything for a long time after hearing what Jalen said. He didn’t say yes, nor did he say no, which made Jalen feel strange.

“Is there a problem?” Jalen asked. For Quincy, finding a person should be extremely simple. This was the first time Quincy had reacted like this.

After a while, Jalen heard Quincy’s soft laughter from the other side of the line. “Jenica does have a good friend.”

“What do you mean?” Jalen frowned, keenly aware that something was wrong with Quincy’s words.

“There’s no need to look for Jenica. She’s with me.” Quincy had nothing to hide from Jalen. Or rather, he had never intended to hide it from the start.

This time, it was Jalen who was shocked. He was stunned for a moment before asking, “What did you say? Jenica’s with you? What happened?”

“I can’t explain it thoroughly for a moment.” Quincy rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little agitated.

“I’ll come over now. Explain everything clearly to me even if you can’t.” Then, Jalen hung up the phone and immediately drove to Quincy’s villa.


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