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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Facing Jalen, his good friend, Quincy did not hide too much. Quincy gave a general account of what happened between him and Jenica and asked Jalen, “Do you think I did anything wrong?”

“Of course!”

Jalen said without any hesitation, “If you like Jenica, you should pursue her and make her your girlfriend. If you don’t like her, don’t waste her time.

“If you do not want Jenica to be your girlfriend, just let her go. If you keep her here like this, you are really a jerk.”

Jalen really didn’t know what Quincy was thinking. In Jalen’s point of view, Quincy clearly liked Jenica, but Jalen couldn’t understand why Quincy treated Jenica like this and believed that no one

would like to be treated like this.

Quincy frowned and looked serious. “You know the situation of my family. I can’t marry Jenica.”

Although Quincy did not hope so, he was very clear about the internal situation of his family. If Quincy really kept Jenica by his side, he could not make her happy, and moreover, he might get

Jenica in danger.

Speaking of this, Jalen also went silent.

The Krause family was much more complicated than the Halton family, thus, Jalen could pursue the person he liked while Quincy could not.

“Then are you going to lock Jenica up like this for the rest of your life?” Jalen asked, frowning. He felt complicated inside.

Quincy sighed and looked out of the window. He was a little absent-minded. “I don’t know either. I just don’t want Jenica to leave like this.”

“The Krause family is indeed complicated, but if you really like Jenica, then remove the danger for her. This is the right way.” Jalen looked at Quincy, not wanting his good friend to take the wrong


However, when Quincy heard this, he could not help but laugh. “I like Jenica? What is there for me

to like about her?


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