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Falling In Love With My Ex-Wife (Stella and Clarence) novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Everyone Has Their Secrets

The following day, Jared sat at his desk with the divorce certificate on the table.

He looked at it for a moment and threw it in the trash can.

At that moment, Ben came forward and said respectfully, "Mr. Farrell, the chairman of the Trident Group has called you."

Makenna's father?

Jared gathered himself and picked up the landline, "Uncle Trenton."

A middle-aged man with a raspy voice was on the other end of the line, "Jared, has Makenna been quite obedient at your house these past few days? I haven't had time to visit her lately, so your aunt has been going over to relieve her boredom. I was afraid she would complain."

Jared's voice was steady, "Uncle, don't worry, Makenna is recovering well these days and my mother often spent time with her."

"Oh, that's good." Trenton asked tentatively, "I've heard something. They say Makenna's car accident six years ago was related to your ex-wife. Yesterday Makenna's mother went to see Makenna and asked some questions, but Makenna has been evasive. Jared, do you know what's going on?"

Jared was stunned and pursed his lips, not answering immediately.

"Jared, are you listening?"

After a while, Jared frowned, "That car accident ... did have something to do with Amber."

Trenton intoned, "As you know, Makenna my beloved baby girl. The accident six years ago almost crushed your aunt and me. The first person Makenna saw when she woke up was you, which shows how deeply she feels about you. As for your ex-wife or Makenna, I think you know very well who is more important."

Jared lowered his eyes, "Yes."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed satisfied, "Jared, I'm sure you'll be the worthiest person Makenna can trust."

Hanging up the phone, Jared pondered for a moment.

After a while, he called Ben in, "There's something I need you to get done."


Amber exited the headquarters building of Goldstone Co. side by side with Jeremy and Cole.


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