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Falling In Love With My Ex-Wife (Stella and Clarence) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Kneel Down to Apologize

Amber felt quite strange.

Jared was a talented man, and the Farrell family was a notable family, so how come Shonna was acting like a country bumpkin?

Amber's lips twitched, "There's something you should be aware of. Your son and I have been divorced, and I didn't take a single penny from the Farrell family."

"Bullshit!" Shonna didn't believe her and refused to let her go, "Where did you get the money to come to this fancy place? It's from my son, of course. I'm telling you, Amber Reed, I won't forgive you even if you get down on your knees and beg for my forgiveness!"

Get down on her knees and apologize?

Amber almost wanted to laugh.

Shonna had never been in her right mind.

This woman wasn't worth her time at all, so Amber turned around, about to leave.

But Shonna, who was making a scene, wouldn't let her go.

"I won't let you run away like this!" Shonna reached out and grabbed Amber's hair.

Cole, who was standing by, pushed Shonna away and pulled Amber behind him.

Cole used a bit of force on purpose, so Shonna couldn't control herself and fell backward, "Ouch, my ass!"

She looked up to meet Cole's disgusted gaze. Sitting on the floor, she cried, "There's no justice! I'm an old lady and I've been beaten up by a brat! What's wrong with this world..."

The crowd of onlookers grew bigger and soon brought the general manager here.

Shonna hurriedly pointed at Cole and complained to the manager, "It was this bastard who hit me. Ouch, my back ... it hurts like hell ..."

She was a VIP customer of the shop and had spent a lot of money here, so Mr. Levi, the manager, naturally had to take her seriously.

He looked at Amber with a serious look but was shocked when his eyes fell on Jeremy.


Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Jeremy, "She's lying. If you don't believe me, go check the security footage."

Mr. Levi had been through a lot after all. He rolled his eyes and suddenly behaved like a different person. He nodded and smiled, "Sure, I'll go get the footage."


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