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Fated For Lycan's Luna (Chloe and Blake) novel Chapter 161


Everyone looked at our direction, frozen in place.

“Chloe!” After announcing my presence, it was Caleb who broke the silence in the hall.

His attention immediately shifted to me as he automatically ignored Idris and Arthur while he rushed at me to see my condition.

“Are you alright? You are not hurt aren’t you?” With worry washing over him, Caleb looked at me as he looked at Blake with vigilance.

“You… What did you do to her?! How dare you lay your hands on our Alpha!” The hostility in Caleb’s eyes were apparent as his body stood in a defensive stance as if ready to take on Blake at any time.

The tension started to rise up once more but Blake only stood still and did not react to Caleb's provocation.

“Caleb, I'm fine, and calm down. He did not do anything and we have already reached an agreement.” Not wanting for the hostility to cause another chaos once more, I immediately held back Caleb from approaching Blake any further.

“Wait, what? Did this person pressure you to come into agreement with him?” Not expecting my words, Caleb’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at me and Blake back and forth.

“Hey! Who are you to question your Alpha? Tsk! If I were you, you should stay quiet and just accept your Alpha’s decision! It’s not your business to question their matters…” Idris who was now walking back slowly on Blake’s side nonchalantly said.

His words made Caleb annoyed but seeing that Idris is right, he finally took a step back with great unwillingness.

“Still, you did something to hurt my people…” Knowing that the way everything happened earlier was not something that would bring harmony to the upcoming alliance, I looked at Blake and acted as normally as possible.

Meeting his calm unwavering gaze Blake gave a soft nod as he replied, “Apologies for doing such a drastic measure. Rest assured that they were not injured in any way and we have no intention to hurt anyone. I’ll have my people here wake them up.”

With that Arthur and Idris immediately moved to wake everyone up with Caleb assisting the members who woke up in confusion.

The moment everyone was awake I informed everyone of my decision to join Blake’s hands. I saw the shocked and unwilling faces of the people around, except for Vanessa and the rest who kind of already expected this outcome during the banquet incident.

To ease the situation I turned Blake, Arthur and Idris and demanded, “Frost Fang Alpha, although I have already agreed to the alliance, it is indeed an inconvenience that an incident happened in our own territory. I hope you are ready to give us a satisfying answer…”

The moment I mentioned that, the members of the pack somehow eased a little bit, but their expressions still looked untrusting toward Blake and the rest until they saw him nod once more.

“We’ll be back in two days time and bring you our compensation. Of course, we will also give you time to think about your terms in this alliance.”

Blake’s words successfully eased up the tension of the hall to my relief.


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