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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 132

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two

288 Vouchers

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two

Luna Ryley

“Pull over,the man demanded as soon as I crossed the border of the pack. I did what he said as the gun pushed painfully into the back of my neck.

“Cut the engine and give me your keys and phone,” again I did what the man demanded. I’ve been trained to deal with these kinds of situations. My father had my mother and I run through different scenarios to keep us prepared. What I wasn’ t prepared for was the sharp pain in my neck. I let out a gasp as my limb became heavy. My sight blurred as I slumped back

into the seat.

I heard banging and yelling but I couldn’t move.

“Finally, you guys were supposed to be here waiting,” a man yelled much closer to me. The voices became muffled before my world went black.

I gasped as my body shook violently when freezing water was dumped over my head. I struggled to cover my stomach, fighting with everything I had to get free and protect my unborn pup. I blinked but the room was bright and I couldn’t see anything. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to focus on if I was hurt. The cold water had my entire body on fire with pain.

“Good, you’re finally awake.” A voice I’ll never forget broke through my thoughts. I tried to focus on the figure in front of me but my head was pounding and my body shivered from

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two

the cold water.

288 Vouchers

My cheeks were gripped tightly together before my head was shoved to the side exposing Blake’s mark. A growl echoed through the room.

“I can’t believe you let that cunt mark you. You are my Luna wolf,” Dorian sneered as his face came into focus. I held down the bile that was threatening to come up from the sharp

movements of my head.

“Dorian?” I mumbled, confused. I looked at my fated mate before looking at the men around the familiar room. I found Wes and Jared. That’s when it clicked. Everything that was said was a lie. And like an idiot, I believe them. I wanted to believe Dorian, the man I was fated to wasn’t a monster. But he turned into my worst enemy.

“Dorian, I,” I stammered before my head wiped to the side. My cheek burned as my head pounded in my skull. I winced as a metal chair dragged around the concrete floor. Dorian sat down in front of me. I jumped when his hands came down on my thighs, letting out a whimper.

My father always told me not to show fear to the enemy but right now I couldn’t control it. I was terrified for my unborn child, my boys, and Blake.

“Now, mate, here’s what’s going to happen I will let you keep that thing in your womb if you reject the alpha who marked what’s mine. And you better get my son here or so help me, Evelyn, I will rip that thing out of you,” he yelled the last part. He didn’t need to yell for me to know how serious he was, I could see it in his eyes.

“I never believed my father when he would obsess over your


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