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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 133

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three

Alpha Blake

I pulled up to the border gates of the Crimson Lake pack. I had Luca and Aiden in my truck while Walter had the boys with him in his truck following behind us. My hands ached as I unclenched the steering wheel. My gamma, Connor was getting men ready to head out and they shouldn’t be that far behind us.

Ryley has been missing for a few hours now and I can’t feel her. Whoever has her must have put silver on her and I don’t want to think about what it is doing to our unborn pup. It’s bad enough that she had silver on her for a month, and now this. I just pray her wolf is strong enough to keep them both safe.

Knuckled against the driver’s side window forced me from my

thoughts. I pushed open my door, hitting the warrior standing there wanting to talk to me. I was an intimidating person and would use it to get what I needed out of these warriors.

“Alpha Darius,” I growled. Both warriors took a step back, which was smart. Gunner wanted to shift and rip through the pack looking for our


“And who are you?” One stammered. I didn’t realize I had taken a step towards the punk until Luca stepped in front of me.

“Alpha Blake Orion,” He answered him. Both blanched before looking

at each other.

“Just one sec,” the other one said.

My body vibrated as I waited for them to say something, anything. It’s been too long now and I can’t feel her. My skin rippled with the need to shift.

“Blake, I know you need to find her. We are all worried and I wouldn’t tell you to calm down if it,” he trailed off as a convoy of trucks sped up to the gate from inside the pack.

A man got out of one of the trucks, before rushing over to speak to the warriors at the gate. I watched him, intently, trying to place where I’d seen him before. He looked familiar but I don’t know why. I don’t have any dealings with the Crimson Lake pack.

“Alpha Orion, is there something I can help you with?” The man asked as he approached me and my Beta.

“Where the f*ck is you alpha?” I spat out, I clenched my fists ready to punch this f*cker in the face. I’m not here to play games.

“I’m not at liberty to say, Alpha Blake. We have been called into Evergreen as reinforcements. My blood ran cold at the mention of Ryley’s ex’s pack.

“Reinforcements, for what?” Luca questioned him. My mind was racing and I couldn’t get the words out. He had to be a part of this. He’ s the only one who would benefit from getting Ryley.

“He knows she’s a Luna wolf,” Gunner growled.

“I’m only going to say this once,” I growled, interrupting my beta and this a s s h a t.


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