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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 135

Chapter One Hundred ThirtyFive 

H288 Vouchers 

Chapter One Hundred ThirtyFive 

Alpha Blake 

Tell Connor to meet us at the entrance of the pack. We’ll go in all together.I ordered. Luca was typing on his phone while I sped towards the Evergreen pack. My knuckles were white and my jaw ached. I was trying not to let my mind wander but my stomach was in knots thinking about what he was doing to my mate. If he has her in silver, I won’t feel him touching 


I opened a link between me and the boys

We are going to war. S Luca, or myself.I told

ys to listen to Connor

Recharge successful

Yes, sir,they both answered

And Channing, I’m not sorry for what I’m about to do. You are mine and always will be.I closed the link to focus on driving. I was already pushing my truck to its limit

He may be his sperm donor but he is our son, Blake. He stole our mate. Our second chance and he won’t live another day.Gunner growled

I was willing to keep that fucker alive for Channing’s sake but now I can’t let him live for taking my Luna and child. I just pray he hasn’t hurt either of them

I pulled up beside Connor’s truck which was pulled off the side of the road. I rolled down my window to speak to him

Dividing into pages now 

Chapter One Hundred ThirtyFive 

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Go straight in behind me to the pack house,I ordered. He gave me a nod before I pulled away from the truck.

accelerated before hitting the gate at the border. It crumpled under the weight of my truck

I checked my mirrors to see Walter was still behind me. And the others were behind him

Blake, what’s the plan?Luca exclaimed beside me

Rip the fucken pack apart is the plan. I know he has her. Why would he be bringing in reinforcements from his father’s pack if not.I retorted. I was regretting not ripping him apart when he came to my pack and demanded Channing. My son. The fucker was going to learn today why I’m the strongest alpha in our world

The pack house came into view with his warriors surrounding it. I parked my truck further down the driveway and got out. Rounding the front of my truck I watched as Dorian was exiting the pack house with his entourage. Luca and Aiden. stepped in front of me stopping my advancements. I didn’t care how many men he had. Gunner would rip them all apart to find his mate and pup

Channing, come here son.He motioned for my son to come to him when he was standing in front of his warriors. Gunner let out a murderous growl

My son,I growled out. And the fucker smirked

I don’t think you understand, Alpha Blake. If I don’t get Channing and my mate, your spawn dies. I will rip it from her womb and stomp it into nothing.He threatened. When the wind changed directions, Ryley’s and our child’s scent hit me

Closed my eyes, breathing in their scent. He has them and 

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Chapter One Hundred ThirtyFive 

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now he wants Channing. Ryley would never forgive me if I handed over our son to save her life and this fucker knew this

Channing moved to stand beside me with his brother standing on the other side of him

Dad, what am I supposed to do? I can’t let him hurt mom or the baby.” He asked me. Dorian roared, Channing, feeding his rage when he called me dad and not him. I’d puff out my chest with pride if Ryley’s life weren’t in this asshole’s hands

You are my fucken son, and your mother is my Luna wolf. That’s what the goddess had planned. It never involved him,Dorian screamed, pointing a finger at me. He had his chance. and he wasn’t going to take mine. Grabbing Channing’s arm, I pushed him behind me

Let go of my fucken son!” 

Never. Ryley and Channing are mine. And none of this will matter when I rip you to shreds,I retorted. And the fucker smirked

If I die, she does, and your child.” 

Lies,I gritted out. My heart pounding in my chest

Are you willing to take that risk? Did you honestly think I would let you walk in here without having a backup plan?” 

Your father’s pack isn’t coming to help you, I made sure of that,I told him


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