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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 134

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

Luna Ryley

After the room was empty and I had let my sobs of emotions out, it was time to get to work. Little did that f*cker know that I’ve been trained to get out anything. And my father also trained me to handle silver. It sucks and it’s worse now since I have Lily but I can bear it.

“Lily, just keep our pup safe.” I told her before standing up as much as I could before throwing myself and the chair to the concert floor. I groaned as the chair broke against my back. I was able to get my legs free and I chewed through the zip ties on my wrists.

Now that I was free it was time to get the hell out of this room. I needed to get to Blake before Dorian killed him. Or Channing and Aspen. I pray he left the boys at home. I knew he would find my vehicle. But I’m hoping he doesn’t run straight into the trap that Dorian has set for him.

Taking me wasn’t just about making me his, it was about taking down the most powerful alpha in our world. I was Blake’s weakness as he is mine and Dorian was using that to his advantage. He says I could keep my child but I know he would never let me keep another man’s child

I rushed to the only door and tugged on the handle to find it locked.

“F*ck.” I grumbled in frustration. I needed a plan and I wish I could speak to Lily.

Looking around the room, the walls were bear. I’m sure I was in one of the rooms in the basement my father used to use for interrogations. I don’t remember how many he had down here or if I was ever in this



one. I was never allowed down here, but I was curious about what my father did. When he was away I would explore down here. And my father always had hidden rooms around the pack house. I know of one that was in his office. My father always planned for the worst.

And thinking back, I’m not sure why. Sure, he was a mobster, but he was a powerful man and alpha. Surely he would have fought them with his wolf. I’m sure some of it had to do with Mom and me. And right now. I wish I could remember everything he had told me about the pack house and the exits. But then again, Dorian has been living here for eighteen years, he could have found them.

I walked around the empty room, looking for anything out of place on the walls and floor. There was only me and the broken chair, but maybe there was a backup plan hidden just in case my mother or I were locked in the basement. I know I was grasping at straws but I’m praying my father had a plan for every scenario.

After looking at the walls twice, I walked to the middle of the room and kicked the broken chair in frustration.

“F*ck, Dad, really?” I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls. I didn’t care if anyone heard me. If someone came in I could use the only freaking door.

“Voice recognized,” I heard before the floor gave way from under my feet. I fell with a gasp, hitting the ground with a thump. Pain shot up from my ankles to my hips.

“Welcome, Evelyn,” the computer voice said as lights flooded the space I fell into.


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