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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 186

Book Two Chapter ThirtyFour 

Luna Ryley 

I jumped when the door opened with a bang. I must have fallen asleep. I stood up and readied myself when someone walked into the room

Luna, you’re awake. Good. How are you feeling? I brought you 

I some breakfast,the young maid smiled

I’m sorry, who are you?I questioned as I held my belly

Lily, keep them in there,I pleaded as I watched the maid put down the tray. I took in a breath and pushed it out as my belly tightened. I can not go into labor in this place

I’m Shea and Alpha Connolly has assigned me to your care, Luna Orion. Anything you need, please ask. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible.” 

Well, I’m still here, so not too comfortable,I retorted. She smiled awkwardly as she clasped her hands together in front of her

I understand this must be difficult for you, Luna Orion, but everything will be okay,she smiled and winked. Her face fell when I gripped my belly. Drink some water and rest. I’ll be back soon.” 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyFour 

I let out a groan as soon as the door clipped closed

Lily,I took harsh breaths as I leaned against the bed

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Drink some water and rest. I’m doing everything I can,she whined. As soon as the tightness subsided, I picked up the tray and sat on the bed. I sipped the water and placed my feet up

Baby, Momma needs you to stay in there a little longer,I mumbled as I rubbed over my bump. I felt a few kicks and I smiled

Blake, I really need you right now,” I whispered

It didn’t take long for me to fall back asleep. Being in a constant state of fear and panic is exhausting. When I woke, I reached for the bottle of water and found a sealed one and a new tray of food. Shea must have been in earlier

I didn’t want to wake you. She came in and switched out the trays. I didn’t feel any danger,Lily yawned

I don’t know if we can trust anyone here. And I’m not going to risk our baby being born here. He will take them away as soon as they are out.” I sighed

But then we can shift and I can rip him apart. Right now, there is nothing I can do to help,she said

I was on the verge of tears with frustration. Both plans are such a risk. He could kill my baby before I could get a chance to shift. But how can I fight back without the baby getting hurt inside me



Book Two Chapter ThirtyFour 

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I yelled when the door was thrown open. Alpha Connolly marched in with Shea following behind him, keeping her head down while carrying a garment bag. I looked at the alpha and he wore a smirk on his stupid face. I’ve never wanted to punch someone so badly before

I stood up from the bed and clenched my fists to my side as I sized up the alpha. If I wasn’t pregnant, I would rip his throat out

What can I do for you, Alpha?I grumbled

Do I need to remind you of your place, Luna Orion?I glared at him as he took a step towards me and I stepped back. He smiled at the action, knowing I was scared and there was no hiding it. I had to protect my child

Now, with that settled, you will join me for dinner. Shea will help you get ready with a dress I’ve chosen.He forced Shea to step forward with a tight grip on her arm

I don’t know what you think this is, Alpha Connolly, but I’m in no condition to join you for anything, nor do I want to.This time when he took a step towards me, I didn’t step back. The chuckle that left him had a shiver running down my spine

I gasped when he gripped my cheeks with his fingers

As much as I’m going to enjoy that fighting spirit of yours, I’m also going to enjoy breaking it. No one is coming for you, Luna, so you better get used to me.He leaned in and sniffed my neck. as he dragged his nose along my skin. Fuck, you smell good, even with that bastard’s scent coming from you.” 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyFour 

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I gasped when he spun me around and shoved me against the wall. I throw my palms out to stop my belly from hitting the wall. The alpha gripped my hips before rubbing himself against me. I screamed when he sunk his teeth into my shoulder. I was left gasping as he removed his mouth

You can scream, baby, but no one is going to help you unless I allow it. Now, get cleaned up. You have one hour, unless,he growled and thankful didn’t get to finish his threat. I’m sure it was the ridged thing pushed against my ass

Alpha, sorry to interrupt,a man cleared his throat

One hour, Ryley,he grumbled before taking a step back

Shea, get her ready,he commanded. I jumped when the door slammed shut


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